GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs / AntiLag2-SDK

The main repository for the AMD Radeon Anti-Lag 2 SDK.
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Anti-Lag 2 SDK


Reducing latency from mouse click to image-on-screen is critical in delivering a satisfying gaming experience, especially for fast-paced and competitive games. This latency occurs at various stages of the system between the user providing input via the mouse and keyboard to finally seeing the results of those actions as photons reaching the eye. This is known as end-to-end system latency.

While some parts of the system are broadly out of the game developer's control such as the input peripheral latency, or the display latency, the bit in the middle - the game itself - is somewhat more controllable.

Obviously, a higher framerate will have a pretty-much linear impact on the game's latency, but this will typically require reducing image quality and resolution. The key factor here is how much latency exists between the user input being polled and the point at which the content is sent to the display. This is where Anti-Lag comes in.

Anti-Lag 1

Anti-Lag 1 is a pure driver-based technology that introduces a carefully calculated delay into the driver-side processing of game's graphics commands, such that CPU and GPU frames are optimally aligned. This way the CPU frames are prevented from running too far ahead of GPU frames, and as a result the lag (input-to-image latency) is reduced.

Anti-Lag 2

Anti-Lag 2 does a similar thing to the driver-based AntiLag 1, but the point of insertion of the delay is now at the optimal point inside the game's logic, just before the user controls (mouse/gamepad/keyboard) are sampled.

This allows for an optimal alignment of the game's internal processing pipeline (and not just the in-driver producer-consumer logic), achieving a significantly greater latency reduction.

In order to achieve this improved latency reduction, the game developer needs to integrate the Anti-Lag 2 SDK into their game and (optionally) expose the its controls in the game UI.

Integration Guide



FSR 3 Frame Generation Support

Anti-Lag 2 requires some special attention when FSR 3 frame generation is enabled. There are a couple of extra Anti-Lag 2 functions required to be called to let Anti-Lag 2 know whether the presented frames are interpolated or not.

Until Anti-Lag 2 is supported in the public open-source release of FSR 3 (which is coming soon), developers are advised to reach out to their Developer Technology contacts at AMD.


Drivers supporting Anti-Lag 2 include a built-in Radeon Anti-Lag 2 Latency Monitor:

Another way to validate the SDK integration is to use the Frame Latency Meter (FLM) which can be downloaded, along with full source, here: Full instructions on how to use this tool are included.






Recommended UI text can be found here:

Open source

AMD Anti-Lag 2 SDK is open source, and available under the MIT license.

For more information on the license terms please refer to license.


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