Spatialization plugin for SpatGris
sudo apt-get install clang-15 git ladspa-sdk freeglut3-dev libasound2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libjack-jackd2-dev libx11-dev libxcomposite-dev libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev mesa-common-dev
Download and extract Juce 7.0.12
The VST3 headers are included in JUCE, but the VST2 are not. The VST2 SDK is deprecated and not distributed anymore by Steinberg. You will need a copy of it if you are to build the VST2 plugin. Extract it somewhere and add it the Projucer global paths.
git clone
<path/to/Projucer> --resave <path/to/ControlGris.jucer>
Make sure the directory ~/.vst
Go to the ControlGris Builds folder, compile the plugin and move a copy to the VST directory.
cd ControlGris/Builds/LinuxMakeFile
make CXX=clang++-15 CONFIG=Release && cp build/*.so ~/.vst/