GSA / Crowdsource-Testing-USDA_FSIS

Crowdsource test cycle for the USAD FSIS
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USDA_FSIS_7_2013 - Office Locations and Phone Numbers Page - OFO District Office Section #11

Open jancibo opened 10 years ago

jancibo commented 10 years ago

Device Make: Apple Device Model: ipad2 Device Operating System Version: 6.1 Browser: Safari Carrier (or WiFi): WiFi Severity: Low

For the "OFO District Offices" section on this page. The city and state are in BLUE and when you cursor on the BLUE (city/state) it appears as if it is a link but it does not link anywhere.

If you take a look at the other sections on this page each of the of areas broken down with regards to city/state/region/division are just BOLDED in BLACK.