GSA / Crowdsource-Testing-USDA_FSIS

Crowdsource test cycle for the USAD FSIS
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Welcome to the Test Cycle!

Agency: USDA Application Name: Food Safety and Imspection Service Web Site

Test Cycle Dates: July 29, 2013 to August 4, 2013

Test Cycle Coordinator: David Fern

Important Test Cycle Links:

If the links do not work, you may not be able to access Google Docs.

If that is the case send me a mail and I will send you the documents.

=== Mobile_Testing_101.docx ===

This document gives some terms and insights into testing mobile applications.

=== Test_Cycle_Questionnaire_USDA_FSIS_2013_7.doc ===

This document contains all of the applications specifics required to complete this test cycle.

=== Directions_for_Completing_a_TestCase_Template.docx ===

This document gives instructions for completing the “Test Case Template”

=== USDA_FSIS_Test_Case_7_2013v2.xlsx ===

This is the test case that you are to download, complete and email back to us.

=== Using Github.docx ===

Instructions for using GitHub in the crowdsource testcycles.