GSA / Crowdsource-Testing-USDA_FSIS

Crowdsource test cycle for the USAD FSIS
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USDA FSIS 7 2013 - FSIS Web Modernization Project #20

Open jancibo opened 10 years ago

jancibo commented 10 years ago

Device Make: Apple Device Model: ipad2 Device Operating System Version: 6.1 Browser: Safari Carrier: WiFi Severity: Low

1.Selected the "About FSIS" link at the bottom of the FSIS Page.

  1. Selected "FSIS Web Modernization Project" from the right side menu.
  2. Scolled down the page and the Button at the bottom has a "?" and does not work.

Expected Result: By the looks of the shape a button with be expected with some instruction.

fsis web project