GSA / Crowdsource-Testing-USDA_FSIS

Crowdsource test cycle for the USAD FSIS
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USDA_FSIS_7_2013 Highlighting of sub menu #38

Open jancibo opened 10 years ago

jancibo commented 10 years ago

Device make. Apple Device model ipad2 Device Operating system 6.1 Carrier: WIfi Severity: low

  1. Go to USDA home page
  2. Select "Topics" from the USDA homepage Newsroom"
  3. Select "Fact Sheet" from menu on left side of page.
  4. "Fact Sheet" page is displayed.
  5. Menu from menu on left side of page the selection "Food Safety Education" and "Topics" are highlighted but user is on the "Fact Sheet" page . Note this happens in varies places on the website. I'm not sure what the requirement states. image