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Category List for Data Center and Cloud SIR #377

Open bill-gehrke-hhs opened 4 years ago

bill-gehrke-hhs commented 4 years ago

The Data Center and Cloud SIR was changed to remove "cloud" as a spending category. However, the FY2021 validations and data dictionary documents do not appear to note a change in the list of valid categories for the SIR. The FY2020 validations define the categories as:

  1. Data Center
  2. Cloud
  3. Storage
  4. Compute

Was 2 just removed so 1, 3, and 4 are the expected categories, or were 3 and 4 re-numbered?

mayuri-khatri commented 4 years ago

Hi Bill,

Thank you for your question. 2 has been removed, leaving the valid values as 1, 3, & 4.

Regards, ITDB Support