GSA / ITDB-schema

IT Dashboard submissions schema, documentation and example files.
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IT Collect-schema

This Github repository is supplied by GSA for the IT Portfolio Management (ITPfM) Community in support of modernized IT Collect API. Here ITPfM developers can find the latest ITPfM policy Guidance and the API Schema specs that show the direction of IT Collect data architecture. The repository’s aim is to provide real-time updates to the IT Collect API. It will serve as living documentation of the latest changes.

IT Collect Documents

IT Collect How-To Guides and FAQ documents can be found in the IT Collect Docs folder in this repository. You can expect existing documents to be updated and new guides to be uploaded occasionally. We will communicate new document releases with the vendor community.

Asking questions and getting help

We encourage the IT Collect community to comment and ask questions here on GitHub. Go to the Issues and add comments and questions. If you wish to contribute to the code base please fork this repository and, after committing your changes to the schema files, create a pull request. As issues are updated, community subscribers will receive automated updates from Github. You can check the status of your issue by visiting the issue page.

We recommend the following format for submitting issues:

When submitting issues on GitHub, do not include any sensitive data. If you have questions or issues pertaining to agency specific data, please directly contact

Below you will find documentation outlining the GitHub Issue Process: