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IT Dashboard submissions schema, documentation and example files.
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Risk and Contract Report Updates #407

Open mayuri-khatri opened 4 years ago

mayuri-khatri commented 4 years ago

Vendor Community -

An issue has been discovered where Risks and Contracts report "update" submissions on reports submitted in the fall are not being processed correctly. Our development team is currently working on this issue, and we are hoping to have a fix out by the end of the day tomorrow, 01/15/2020.

If this impacts your submission, please reach out to us and we will work with you, as needed.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks, ITDB Support

rydougherty commented 4 years ago

The IT Dashboard Team has developed a fix for this issue and will include it in tonight's deployment

mayuri-khatri commented 4 years ago

Vendor Community -

The ITDB Development Team has successfully deployed the fix for this issue. You may proceed with your submissions to UAT and Production.

Let us know if you encounter any additional issues.

Thank you, ITDB Support