GSA / ITDB-schema

IT Dashboard submissions schema, documentation and example files.
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CIO Rating Validation Error Triggering Erroneously #408

Open samanthathomas20 opened 4 years ago

samanthathomas20 commented 4 years ago

Vendor Community -

An issue has been discovered where the IT Dashbaord is erroneously triggering a validation error "000288-BSC: Investment must provide CIO Rating, since it was not provided earlier" despite valid CIO Rating data on the IT Dashboard for annual update submission files only. Our Development Team has added an item to the backlog to resolve this issue and plan to deploy as soon as possible. In the meantime, a workaround would be to leverage the monthly submission operation to update Business Case data. The monthly submission will not trigger this validation error and will allow you to update all other data points in the Business Case.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks, ITDB Support

rydougherty commented 4 years ago

The IT Dashboard Team has developed a fix for this issue and will include it in tonight's deployment

mayuri-khatri commented 4 years ago

Vendor Community -

The ITDB Development Team has successfully deployed the fix for this issue. You may proceed with your submissions to UAT and Production.

Let us know if you encounter any additional issues.

Thank you, ITDB Support