GSA / ITDB-schema

IT Dashboard submissions schema, documentation and example files.
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yesNoString XML Value inconsistent with Schema #426

Open kengineer opened 3 years ago

kengineer commented 3 years ago

When processing a Major Business Case submission, we noticed that the response contained "No" for the value of the yesNoString type instead of "no" as defined in Subset/businessCaseFacet.xsd. There are also cases where "Yes" is returned instead of "yes". While this may seem insignificant, we validate the responses using the XML schema provided and since XML is case sensitive, these responses are failing validation. We are working on a work around, but wanted to make you aware.

XML Response image

yesNoString defined in Subset/businessCaseFacet.xsd image

Ken Nehring Supporting NRC

mayuri-khatri commented 3 years ago

Hi Ken,

Thank you for reporting this discrepancy. You are correct, the responses are returning capitalized values whereas the submission files only allow lowercase values. We will update our documentation to correspond with the correct values.

At this moment in the Pre-Decisional window, we can not change the response file, as other vendor tools are already integrated with the existing functionality. However, we will log this as an issue and look to standardize the behavior prior to the President's Budget submission window.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Regards, ITDB Support