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[IT Collect] - Retrieving a particular service #454

Closed KellyHarrisT closed 2 years ago

KellyHarrisT commented 2 years ago

I have been testing functionality. I was able to add a service, now I want to retrieve that service. Using Postman, I am using Get {{baseUrl}}/v1/services/:id. What should be the ID from the following to retrieve the one item.

GET Services ({{baseUrl}}/v1/services?page=1) { "@context": "/contexts/Services", "@id": "/v1/services", "@type": "hydra:Collection", "hydra:member": [ { "@id": "/v1/services/string", "@type": "Services", "created": "2021-08-05 19:41:26", "lastModified": "2021-08-05 19:41:26", "createdBy": "", "updatedBy": "", "agencyCode": null, "agencyId": "string", "currentUII": "015-000000123", "agency": "015", "title": "IT Collect Development", "description": "Sample description of the IT Dashboard modernization process.", "changeInStatus": "11", "changeInStatusDescription": "New Service", "previousUII": "", "sharedServiceCode": "00", "sharedServiceId": "0024", "missionSupportCategories": [ "01" ], "bureauCode": "00", "partOfAITPS": "01", "standardIdCategory": "01", "missionSupportArea": "00", "investmentType": "01", "returnOnInvestment": "Sample description of a return on an investment.", "nssId": "01", "publicUrls": [ "" ], "isMasked": false, "isRetired": false, "timePeriodId": "TimePeriod20223", "createdTimePeriod": "TimePeriod20223", "retiredTimePeriod": null, "rebaseLines": [ "" ] } ], "hydra:totalItems": 1, "hydra:pageCount": 1, "hydra:perPage": 200, "hydra:currentPage": 1, "hydra:firstPage": 1, "hydra:lastPage": 1, "hydra:nextPage": 1 }

KellyHarrisT commented 2 years ago

I figured out the answer. For this example I should sent in the id as "string" ("agencyId": "string"),

I will likely delete this item, since it is wrong.

rydougherty commented 2 years ago

Hi Kelly,

Yes, you are correct that you should your agency identifier within the path parameters. I will go ahead and close out the item.

Thanks, Ryan