GSA / ITDB-schema

IT Dashboard submissions schema, documentation and example files.
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[IT Collect] - Schema 0.0.5 seems to have some issues or unknown uses. #456

Open KellyHarrisT opened 2 years ago

KellyHarrisT commented 2 years ago

There are some properties that are defined as: string order[lastModified]. A value of "asc" or "desc" is expected?

Example of a confusion: getServicesCollection has multiple parameters that expect similar values?

Can you add descriptions and examples to be used for the properties of called methods?

Thank You Kelly

rydougherty commented 2 years ago

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for reaching out. In both query parameters you can send both a single string/integer and an array of strings/integers. As a reminder both of these query parameters are optional.

For the lastModifiedTimePeriod filter, you can send across a single time period string value to filter on, or multiple time period string values within an array. Example: Single - "TimePeriod20223" Multiple - ["TimePeriod20223", "TimePreiod20222"]

The same applies for the lastModifiedBudgetYear filter, except the field expects integers rather than strings. Example: Single - 2022 Multiple - [2021, 2022]

These query parameters are based on the lastModifiedTimePeriod and lastModifiedBudgetYear system generated fields, which are visible on a GET services collection or resource call. The lastModifiedBudgetYear corresponds with the Budget Year when the service was last updated (and has no bearing on whether or not the service is active - which is determined solely by the isRetired field). The lastModifiedTimePeriod field provides a more granular look which Budget Cycle the service was last updated in using the the format ["TimePeriod" & Budget Year & Stage]. With Stage corresponding with 1 = Pre-Decisional, 2 = President's Budget, 3 = Congressional Justification etc.

Please let us know if you have more questions.

Thanks, Ryan

KellyHarrisT commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your response. I created a tool to import the schema (0.0.5). Having "duplicate" parameters is awkward.

For clarification, . The API Call: (just chose one to understand this endpoint as a basis for the rest of the functionality) /v1/servces may look like /v1/services?Page=1&LastModifiedTimePeriod=TimePeriod1, TimePeriod2, TimePeriod3&LastModifiedBudgetYear=2021,2022&isRetired=false&order=desc

the parameter "order" only has the value of "asc/desc" or can I choose which value to sort on?

rydougherty commented 2 years ago

Hi Kelly,

That is correct. However, again, each query parameter is optional and not required for use.

In regards to the order query parameter, it is a sort on the lastModified field. And, you you are correct that you would pass along "asc/desc" as values to trigger the sort.