GSA / ITDB-schema

IT Dashboard submissions schema, documentation and example files.
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[IT Collect] - CIO authority data #462

Open KellyHarrisT opened 2 years ago

KellyHarrisT commented 2 years ago

The "issue" is about CIO authority but it is also a general question about historical data. Does GSA want to, need to, or have an expectation to see some of the data historically? As an example: CIO data will have a rating. This rating of a Service may change for each submission or it may stay the same. 1st submission: the rating may be a 3 2nd submission the rating may change to a 4 3rd submission the rating may stay at 4 4th submission the rating may change to a 2

Should I be using the same Agency Id for each of the submission or should each submission be unique with each submission whether the data has changed?

We, in for CPIC/Spike, have the historical data to review locally so it is likely not important to track it on GSA.

Thank You, Kelly

rydougherty commented 2 years ago

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for reaching out. Just to confirm, you are asking about CIO Rating submissions and not CIO Authority?

If so, each CIO Evaluation that Treasury performs on an investment should correspond with a unique CIO Rating record on IT Collect. If, Treasury conducts three CIO Evaluations on a given investment over the course of year, OMB will expect to see three unique CIO Rating records in IT Collect with the relevant rating, comment, and date. See the example below:

  1. Treasury conducts a CIO Evaluation on Investment 1 on 10/1/2021 yielding a rating of 4 -> Treasury POSTs new CIO Rating record with data = 2021-10-01 and rating = 4
  2. Treasury conducts a CIO Evaluation on Investment 1 on 2/1/2022 yielding a rating of 3 -> Treasury POSTs new CIO Rating record with data = 2022-02-01 and rating = 3
  3. Treasury conducts a CIO Evaluation on Investment 1 on 8/1/2022 yielding a rating of 5 -> Treasury POSTs new CIO Rating record with data = 2022-08-01 and rating = 5

Unlike the legacy IT Dashboard, you will be able update these records through PATCH or PUT operations if needed. But, you should not plan on continuously updating a single CIO Rating record over time.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks, Ryan