GSA / ITDB-schema

IT Dashboard submissions schema, documentation and example files.
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[IT Collect] - Service exists when it does not exist. #463

Open KellyHarrisT opened 2 years ago

KellyHarrisT commented 2 years ago

I am receiving a weird result. When submitting an Investment (Service) with Agency ID "015000000285". I call to get the service, Zero results I tried to Post/Add the Service and Gsa sends back that it is already in use. I currently have 10 services submitted (according to Postman), none of them are this service

(Error results below) Kelly

Update error: {"@context":"\/contexts\/ConstraintViolationList","@type":"ConstraintViolationList","hydra:title":"Validation Errors Encountered","hydra:description":"Found 2 constraint violations","violations":[{"propertyPath":"agencyId","message":"Property agencyId with value 015000000285 is already in use. The property agencyId must be unique.","code":null},{"propertyPath":"currentUII","message":"Property currentUII with value 015-000000285 is already in use. The property currentUII must be unique.","code":null}],"hydra:request_id":"24a6f873-5a04-95b1-83d5-7343f8cb6b76"}

KellyHarrisT commented 2 years ago

Further testing showed that "ITCOLLECT-VALIDATE-ONLY" was being sent with underscores instead of dashes ("ITCOLLECT_VALIDATE_ONLY"). This meant that those that we had intended to send for validation only were actually having their values Posted.

Suggestion: can the default value of Validation be set as true? Forcing an act on the client to intend to Post the entity. Thanks

rydougherty commented 2 years ago

Hi Kelly -- This should be resolved based on the response to #464, however, if you have any related questions, please let me know.

Thanks, Ryan