GSA / code-gov-api

API powering the source code harvester
53 stars 28 forks source link
code-gov collaboration elasticsearch gov open-data open-source us-government

CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage Issue Count API - Unlocking the potential of the Federal Government’s software

Our backend API. This project is an Express.js application backed by Elasticsearch. Its primary function is to index and make America's source code discoverable and searchable.


What is is a website promoting good practices in code development, collaboration, and reuse across the U.S. Federal Government. will provide tools and guidance to help agencies implement the Federal Source Code Policy. It will include an inventory of the government's custom code to promote reuse between agencies. will also provide tools to help government and the public collaborate on open source projects.

Click to show more details Looking for more general information about and all of its projects? We have a repo for that! [code-gov]( is the main place to find out more general information about as a platform and program. If you have any general feedback or do not know where to place an particular issue, please feel free to use [code-gov to create new issues](


Please install the following dependencies before running this project:

Once node is installed, install the local npm dependencies

cd code-gov-api && npm install


Environment Variables

Before running any of the commands included in the package.json file there are some environment variables that need to be set:

Data Harvesting

This project uses Elasticsearch to store code repository metadata. As such, it is necessary to run an indexing process which will populate the necesary indexes in Elasticsearch.

Make sure that Elasticsearch is running and is accessible.

Click here for more info on installing and running Elasticsearch To install Elasticsearch on your machine please follow the instructions found [here]( We have found that using Elasticsearch within a [Docker](#Docker) container is one of the simplest ways to get up and running. We have included a [Docker](#Docker) compose file in this project that can help you get on your way. Please take a look at the [Getting Started]( and [Set up Elasticsearch]( sections in the Elastic documentaion.

Once verified that Elasticsearch is up execute:

npm run index

This will start the harvesting and indexing process. Once this process is finished all data should be available for the API.

Starting the API

After the indexing process runs, you can fire up the server by running:

npm start

The API should now be accessible via the browser (or curl) at http://localhost:3000/api/.

Click for the cUrl command ``` curl http://localhost:3000/api/ ```


For more detailed documentation on Docker and its components please visit their documentation site.


To run a container you first have to build an image. To do so you can execute

docker build -t <name_and_tag_for_your_image> .
Click for example For us, ``, the command would be: ```bash docker build -t codegov/code-gov-api . ```

To verify that the image was created you can execute

docker images

Look for the name_and_tag_for_your_image that you used to build the image.


Run a container

To create and run a container execute:

docker run -p 3000:3000 codegov/code-gov-api

If you want the container to run in the background (detached) pass the -d flag to the docker run command.


docker run -d -p 3000:3000 codegov/code-gov-api

To attach the project's source directory to the containers volume execute docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v <path_to_project>:/usr/src/app codegov/code-gov-api


docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v /home/user/code-gov-api:/usr/src/app codegov/code-gov-api

For more information on how to use Docker volumes take a look at:

Container Env

The code-gov-api container accepts a number of environment variables. They are the same variables found here.

Click here for an example ```bash docker run -p 3000:3000 \ -e NODE_ENV=dev \ -e ES_HOST="http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200" \ codegov/code-gov-api ```

Docker compose

Docker compose lets you recreate a complete environment for the API. The docker-compose.yml file lets us define how these services are stood up, how they relate to each other, and manages other low level things. For more detailed information on Docker Compose take a look at

To stand up a API environment execute from the root of the project:

docker-compose up

This command will build a new code-gov-api image, download an Elasticsearch image, and will run all containers in the correct order. You will see the output of each container in your terminal.

Once everything is up and running you can access the API in your browser at: http://localhost:3001/api. If you only want to build the code-gov-api image you can execute docker-compose build.


Here’s how you can help contribute to API:


If you have questions, please feel free to open an issue here or send us an email at

Public domain

As stated in our contributing document:

This project is in the worldwide public domain (in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication).

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0-1.0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.

Contact Info

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