GSG-FC03 / Covid-19-app

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✧links :

design link

live link

✧The wireframes ( The initial screens) :

✧User Journey

The user enters the app and presses the start button through the home page. When you click on the start button, it moves you to the next page where you can choose the country to know the number of active cases, recovered people and total deaths. In addition, if you want to know how many people have received the covid-19 vaccine, you can press the next button. So you move to rate of people who recives the vaccine. In the same page there is an advice button which move to advices page. The advices page show to you important advicses to protect you from covid-19. Also, we add page for syndrome of corona to let people know it. The last page is contact which provide you to know the information that help you in urgent cases.

✧User Story

✧The way of installation to run project locally :-

  1. I can clone code from github by copy the link.
  2. Open git bash.
  3. write git clone and paste the link.
  4. to open the code, write (code .).
  5. to show the pages, open Go live Or right click mouse and select "open with live server".


API documentation:

✧Team Members