Parent Assistent App
- Amin Alkhsham (Team Lead)
- Asmaa Thabet
- Alaa Taima
- Mohammed Qarmout
- Asem Abu Msameh
Our App idea solve a problem of misconnection between teachers and parents especially worker women.
Problems we hope to solve
- Misconnection between teachers and parents.
- Parents have no idea about the assessment of their children.
- Lack of knowledge about school activities.
- Lack of knowledge about school homeworks.
- The need of daily follow up.
Our Solution
Create an App that make a good connection between
teachers and parents, and this App will provide the following things :
- Provide a full description about school classes.
- Provide a good communication with teachers, and it will be as follows :
- Online chat with teachers.
- Another channel for post comments to write any feedback.
- Provide a full description about class activities.
- Provide a full description about class homeworks.
- Provide a clear assessment about students.
User Journey
The user (parent) open the app to see landing page that contain general information about the app and school vision, then he can sign up by pressing on signup button to redirect after that to login page to start dealing with the app , the user will enter his profile that contains his children names ,Grade and class , then he/she can see their children class subjects and teachers profiles, For every subject there is a page to display subject activities and homeworks , the user can also see teacher profile that contains teacher details , the user can contact with the teacher to ask about his/her children level and assessment .
User Story
- As a user I can have a connection with teachers.
- As a user I can get assessment about my child.
- As a user I can understand the homework requirements of my child correctly.
- As a user I can get a full description about my child class.
- As a user I can get a full description about the activities of my child school.
- As a user I can give my feedback about my child class.
Database Schema