GSG-G7 / far-nearer
1 stars 3 forks source link

Who owns our neighbourhood?

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The Challenges :warning:

The Solution :bulb:

FAR NEARER website enables users to report about any empty buildings and the community members can access this data with provided credentials.

Design Sprint :art:

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Our Prototype

Installation Guide :wrench:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Navigate to the cloned repo

Project setup

  1. Create a .env file in the project root folder.
  2. Add the following in it This step is so important!!
  1. To install the dependecies, only for the first time:
 npm i && cd client && npm i --only the first time--

Running the project:

  1. To run the server, Open your terminal and run:

npm run dev
  1. To run the React Development server, Open another terminal and run:

cd client
npm start
  1. To run the tests:

npm test

User Journey

The user can visit the web-app to report buildings that are believed to be empty. Also, the user can see which buildings are empty and who owns them with all details for the building. The user can subscribe in the mailing list and recive emails with updates.

User Stories

Challenges Achieved :tada:

Technologies :computer:

Team Members