GSS-Cogs / ref_trade

Common codelists and reference data for trade data
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Reference Data for Trade

This repository contains reference data needed to support the publication of the International Trade dataset family.

The data is specified in tidy-format suitable for conversion as part of the table2qb process.

The components.csv file should be suitable to cover all of the components used across the various cubes we're creating. This may be loaded with the components pipeline.

The codelists.csv provides an index and notes to the various codelists in the sub-directory of the same name. This could be used to programmatically call the codelists pipeline.

It may also be instructive to look at the columns.csv configuration for table2qb which specifies how data uploaded to the cube pipeline will be treated. The columns are identified according the title field and then the component is found in the corresponding property_template and codes transformed with the value_template.