GSTT-CSC / TotalSegmentator-AIDE

TotalSegmentator packaged as an AIDE Application, based on the MONAI Application Package (MAP) standard.
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TotalSegmentator packaged as an AIDE Application, based on the open-source MONAI Application Package (MAP) standard.

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## TotalSegmentator MAP workflow The input to the TotalSegmentator MAP is a folder containing CT DICOM `.dcm` files. The output is an RT Struct DICOM `.dcm` file containing the contours of all the segmented regions. The TotalSegmentator MAP consists of three operators: 1. `` – converts the input CT DICOM files to NIfTI format required by TotalSegmentator, using [dcm2niix]( 2. `` – runs TotalSegmentator 3. `` – converts the output segmentations from NIfTI to DICOM RT Struct format, using [rt-utils]( 4. `` – creates a DICOM encapsulated PDF showing three views of the input CT dataset overlaid with the segmentations generated by TotalSegmentator ## Developer Guidelines ### Prerequisites - GPU-enabled machine - Docker - Required for running the MAP. Not required for running source code ## Setup 1. Download ```shell git clone ``` 2. Setup virtual env ```shell cd TotalSegmentator-AIDE python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 3. Create `input` and `output` directories ```shell mkdir input output ``` ## Run source code with MONAI Deploy 1. Ensure Python venv running 2. Copy DICOM `.dcm` files to `input/` directory ```shell monai-deploy exec app -i input/ -o -output/ # alternatively: python app -i input/ -o output/ ``` ## Build and run as MONAI Application Package (MAP) 1. Ensure Python venv running 2. Ensure Docker running 3. Copy DICOM `.dcm` files to `input/` directory _Important:_ we create an initial MAP `map-init` upon which we build any 3rd-party non-Python software (e.g. dcm2niix). The final MAP is called `map` ```shell # Initial packaging of MAP monai-deploy package app --tag -l DEBUG # Build 3rd-party software on top of MAP docker build -t app/ # Test MAP with MONAI Deploy monai-deploy run input/ output/ # Push initial MAP and final MAP to GHCR docker push docker push ``` ### Optional Enter Docker container for testing ```shell docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v /TotalSegmentator-AIDE/input:/var/monai/input/ --entrypoint /bin/bash ``` Run on specified GPU if machine has >1 available ```shell CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 monai-deploy run input/ output/ ``` Reminder: if GHCR requires Personal Access Token ```shell echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u --password-stdin docker push ``` ## GitHub Packages Note: two containers are present under GitHub Packages: - [`totalsegmentator-aide/map`]( - [`totalsegmentator-aide/map-init`]( The `map` version is for general usage and deployment. The `map-init` version is for developers who wish to build the MAP from scratch as part of the two-step build process described above. ## DICOM Encapsulated PDF AIDE Clinical Review is a user interface within AIDE for assessing the quality of AI results. It can display DICOM Encapsulated PDFs. The screenshot below is an example PDF generated by ``:


## Running on AIDE To run TotalSegmentator on AIDE, two files from the `app/workflows` directory are required, namely: - `totalsegmentator.json` – AIDE Clinical Workflow file. - Effectively a sequence of tasks run on AIDE - `totalsegmentator-argo-template.yaml` – Argo Workflow Template file. - Called by the AIDE Clinical Workflow file. Executes the Totalsegmentator-AIDE MAP using Argo. This is the central task within the AIDE Clinical Workflow file. The `app/workflows` directory also contains four illustrative Argo Workflow Templates depending on system performance. `low`, `medium`, `high` and `dgx` examples are provided with different CPU and RAM settings. ## Troubleshooting **pycairo** If you encounter an issue during installation where pycairo cannot be installed, you may need to install libcairo2-dev via the following (assuming Linux): ```shell sudo apt install libcairo2-dev ```