GTModpackTeam / GregTech-Expert-2

Change the recipe of the other mod to greg recipe for 1.12.2.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
22 stars 1 forks source link
curseforge gregtech minecraft


GregTech Expert 2

Supported Versions License Discord CurseForge GitHub

Modpack Version Information

en_us ja_jp
Info There is no compatibility between v1, v2 and v3. v1, v2, v3の間に互換性はありません。
v0.x.x(EOL) This version is already no longer supported. 既にサポートが終了しているバージョンです。
v1.x.x(EOL) Its the most stable version available on curseforge, using old version of GTCEu. Since the dev team are focusing on v2 development, this version will unlikely receive supports. 古いバージョンのGTCEuが導入されている、CurseForge上での2022/10/28時点での安定版です。なお現在はv2の開発に移行しており、v1でのバグ修正はv2にて取り込まれます。
v2.x.x It is the new version which includes the latest version of GTCEu. It is available on Curseforge and Github from now.
We have moved the original v2 which includes GCY:S (Gregicality Science) to v3, because GTCEu dev team does not have a plan to update GCY:S for next few months.
GCY:S(Gregicality Science)を含んだバージョンはGT側の更新が当面期待できないことから、2022/10/28からv2ではなくv3にスライドしました。
v3.x.x It is an experimental version for giving feedbacks to GCY:S dev team about GCY:S issues. We won't release it as stable until GCY:S becomes stable.
We will release this version on CF, however it is impossible to play it in survival mode due to GCY:S progression blocking issue.


Mod compatibility info

Quest Book

Age Quest Description Migration Tips
Stone Age -
Ore Veins -
Tier 0 - ULV -
Tier 1 - LV -
Tier 2 - MV -
Tier 3 - HV -
Tier 4 - EV -
Tier 5 - IV -
Tier 6 - LuV -
Tier 7 - ZPM -
Tier 8 - UV / UHV -
Tier 940 - Endgame × -
AE2 Unofficial Extended Life -
Draconic Evolution -
Foods × × × Rescheduled
Milestones -
