GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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[RFC] Suggested new warp effects for Warp Theory #8611

Closed D-Cysteine closed 2 years ago

D-Cysteine commented 3 years ago

Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version

Your Proposal

Here's some ideas that I came up with; please give feedback and/or suggest new ones!

In roughly suggested order of increasing warp:

I'm happy to work on implementing these myself.

For balancing, note that it looks like a random event is picked (out of those the player has enough warp for), so the more events that we add, the less likely any individual event is to be picked. See:

There is also a closed issue with more ideas:

Your Goal

According to, we need new warp effects implemented so that we can rebalance warp.

Your Vision

Adding new warp effects will allow us to expand the range of warp effects, pushing back destructive effects farther and allowing Thaumcraft users to be less afraid of withers blowing up their base.

Final Checklist

DisasterMoo commented 3 years ago

I tried dying after it was taking half a day, didn't really reset the warping. Guess you have to do it just after eating the pure tear then. But anyway, hardcore players (no death run), or, if you wanted the nether stars.

bombcar commented 3 years ago

There may be bugs with the dying thing as someone on our server ate a tear and then ate a bolt and was still crapping withers for hours.

Shibva commented 3 years ago

maybe intstead of doign it like that, a more direct way of realeaseing the energy shoudl be done

if the user is at the certain point with total warp and eats the tear, it may do something more drastic, as it will not only spawn withers everywhere or something, but it may also cause a massive change to the land,

maybe a massive release results in the land become tainted and most blocks within a large radius become transformed into flux waste and what not

this can make a artifical taint biome if it gets to let say, 500 or more warp is present when you ear the tear and the range of this transmutation increases for each level higher

this would be a great drawback but better than crapping wtihers out. and lets be honnest, if they use that at their base it might be game over for them but if not it will still be somewhat of a massive cleanup project

or it could make a large amount of the land become erie

Prometheus0000 commented 3 years ago

I dunno, it worked in SP when testing. Maybe it's a MP thing? Or thermos.

bombcar commented 3 years ago

Almost certainly thermos as that’s our server

D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I'd like to start working on this, but the discussion has kind of wandered a bit (which is understandable as this is a big topic). I think what I'll do is, I'll start working off of Cata-bre's suggested warp levels table above:

and just start adding warp effects to fill in the gaps. I'll just do whichever ones seem easier to implement for now; we can always add or remove them later. I'll probably skip the ones that need cross-mod stuff to work since I want to avoid adding more inter-mod dependencies for now.

Just like in the table, I'll aim for 5-10 in each of the first two categories, and maybe fewer in the last two since they are less fun and stuff you'd want to avoid.

Once we have some more warp effects added, maybe we can start actually adjusting the warp levels to match that table (or whatever we decide to do from there).

D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

Alright, sorry for the long delay, but the new warp effects are finally done / in a PR! This is going to be another super long post, as I added a bunch of stuff. Some of these are from various ideas above (thanks for the suggestions!) and some I came up with as I was working on this.

Also, I noticed while working on this that 200 is really just an arbitrary limit in the code. I'm pretty sure that we can easily change this maximum to whatever we want. So that's something to keep in mind while balancing this.

First, here's my new proposed table of warp effects, which is based on this comment: Warp Effect Warp Amount
Mostly harmless 0-50
Message 5
Fake Explosion 10
Coin 15
Pumpkin 15
Spawn Phantoms 20
Lay Eggs 20
Fake Creeper 25
Fake Rain 25
GregTech Fake Sounds 30
Spawn Bats 30
Blood 35 ​
Fake Enderman 35
Spawn Friendly Creeper 40
Nausea 45 ​
Jump Boost 45 ​
Vis Drain 50
Insomnia 50
Potentially dangerous 51-100
Thunderstorm 55
Spawn Fire Bats 60
Blindness 65
Poison 65
Livestock Rain 70
Spawn Doppelgänger 75
Wither Potion 80
Spawn Angry Endermen 80
Wind 85
Ender Pearl 90
Blaze Fireball 95
Junk 100
Litmus Paper 100
Potential loss of progress 101-150
Obsidian 110
Lightning 120 ​
Inventory Swap 125
Random Teleport 130 ​
Acceleration 140
Inventory Scramble 150
Fake Wither 150
Unavoidable loss of progress 151-200
Countdown Bomb 160
Mushrooms 170
Snow 175
Decay 180
Random Trees 190
Spawn Wither 200

I've omitted all base Thaumcraft effects, because they fade away over time, and I'm not sure if we can modify their warp levels due to licensing issues. I've also removed the Chest Scramble effect as it only affects vanilla chests; see below for discussion.

Okay, now for the changes to existing warp events, and new warp events. First, I fixed an annoyance with Random Teleport: each teleport now reduces the remaining # of teleports by 5% of the current value. This helps prevent being stuck with random teleport for hours after doing something like eating a pure tear.

I added "multi-level" warp effects. Multi-level warp effects can have stronger effects, if you have a lot of warp. The way that it works is, let's say that we have a warp effect that triggers at 10 warp. If you have 10-20 warp, you'll only get the base effect. If you have 21-30 warp, you have an increasing chance of getting level 2 of the effect, maxing out at 50% at 30+ warp. If you have 31-40 warp, you have an increasing chance of getting level 3 of the effect, maxing out at 25% at 40+. The idea is for lower-level warp effects to stay interesting at higher warp / after the player is used to them, by having a "twist"; the higher-level effects aren't intended to behave very differently from the base effect.

I added multi-level effects for these old warp events:

Now for the new effects:

  1. EDIT: moved Mushrooms to 150 warp, because it can do things like put mushrooms inside of your EBF and break it
  2. EDIT: added suggested new effects: GregTech Fake Sound and Inventory Scramble. Removed Chest Scramble. Shifted warp levels around, including moving Inventory Swap and Junk much later. See below for discussion.
  3. EDIT: swapped Inventory Swap and Junk
  4. EDIT: replaced Eye Blink with Message
bombcar commented 2 years ago

This looks really good - as for livestock rain - I've been getting that "indoors and underground" - so something's a bit off there (they land on the roof and survive? die? I don't know, but I find wool days later).

D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

The way that livestock rain works is, it picks a random block within a 15x15x15 cube centered on the player (closer to player is weighted more heavily). Then, if that block and the 25 blocks above it are all air, it spawns livestock at the top of that 25-block column.

So even if you are under a roof, if you are within 7 height of the surface, there's a chance that it'll pick a random block on the surface and be able to spawn. Or if your rooms are taller than 25 blocks, it could even spawn indoors.

bombcar commented 2 years ago

That explains it - though note I got it on the moon once so "air" is loosely defined. They SHOULD have oxygen setups in that case I guess ;)

bombcar commented 2 years ago

As to the comment in Discord about the chest scramble only affecting wooden chests - I propose the following:

  1. Wooden only (literally single and doubles only) be moved lower, but the text imply that metal chests may help ....
  2. Wooden - iron be about where it is and a noise suggesting "precious metals might help"
  3. All "normal" chests wooden -> diamond with a "crystal may help"
  4. Optional: scramble all chests and disconnect ae2 drives (!!!)
D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

Hmm, the chest scramble is kind of tricky. So as far as I'm aware (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), there is no good way to check if something is a "chest". We can check if something is an "inventory", but that would include a lot of stuff that we probably don't want to include, such as machines and maybe even item pipes.

So we'd have to hard-code a list of chests, but there's a few issues with that:

Given this, the fact that late-game AE setups mostly just avoid this entirely (unless we disable AE drives like you suggested =P), and the fact that especially in a tech-heavy modpack like GTNH, scrambling chests just feels really bad, I propose that we disable the chest scramble effect entirely.

We could shift things around (maybe move fake wither sound effect to 190), or we could just leave 190 empty and have a 20-warp gap before the wither effect? I could also add a new effect for 190.

bombcar commented 2 years ago

We could use all the "Iron Chest" mod chests - but I agree.

What about "scramble player inventory + backpacks" ?

Also maybe Fake Explosion could move up a bit or change it so the first "fake explosion" is the "steam machine out of power" noise, the second one a few warp levels later is "electric machine out of power noise" (may be the same noise?) and the third highest is "electric machine rapidly disassembling itself noise).

I know the explosions I just ignore, but power out noise wakes me up.

D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

Yeah, agreed, if we wanted to keep Chest Scramble and make it apply to more things, Iron Chests would probably get us most of the way there. The other popular ones that I was thinking of were the Avaritia compressed chest, and maybe the AE2 skystone chests?

Scramble backpacks might have the same problem: there's a fair number of backpack mods. I guess just scrambling the Backpack mod's backpacks will get most of them, but there's also:

Just scrambling the player's main inventory is really easy though; there's even already an effect that does a weaker version of it. That could be a good replacement for Chest Scramble? Maybe it could go at 150, and push Mushrooms and everything after that down by 10?

The GT noises is also a great idea. Probably best to add it as its own separate effect; makes it easier to disable when GT isn't present. Maybe at 35? Something like:

I'll work on adding these when I have more time, hopefully later today.

Shibva commented 2 years ago

Here's two


"You feel as if your Armor was made of gelitan..."

The affect: armor stats reduce greatly or any armor points you have will be nullified (armor = 0 regardless of what you wear?)

The only way to possible way to reverse this effect is to "bake" yourself in fire

"You feel your armor has become solid once more..."

Warp effect will only trigger if you have armor on or it will happen regardless (you will take more damage if you wear no armor)


"You suddenly feel as if your body is under a great amount of stress and more fragile than usual"

The affect: you body becomes like Tempered Glass! Attacks deal 2-3X more damage. Critical hits have a Chance to make you shatter (Inatant death)

Projectiles can have a chance to one shot you, EXPLOSIONS ARE ALWAYS FATAL REGARDLESS of what they are or what your wearing (unless it's some high end stuff like the Draconic armor sets)

Falls between 3-4 can cause to to take more damage or "crack" (being cracked significantly increases the chances of breaking). "You feel that some of your bones have cracked like glass"

Falls 5 blocks or higher will kill you instantly (cus dropping glass from 5 or more meters is guaranteed to break)

Remedies: Defence potions will produce the message "you feel as if your body is less brittle" and the damange multiplayer is reduced to 1.5 (regardless of what level of potion power it is)

Potions of strength will restore your body composition that was altered from this warp event (will cancel the effect line eating flesh or brains reduces unnatural hunger) "Your body no longer feel as fragile as glass

Duration will depend on how much total warp you have accumulated

Cata-bre commented 2 years ago

Just scrambling the player's main inventory is really easy though; there's even already an effect that does a weaker version of it. That could be a good replacement for Chest Scramble? Maybe it could go at 150, and push Mushrooms and everything after that down by 10?

I would put chest scramble and player inventory scramble up fairly high. As well as the Inventory Swap effect. Other than that, I like the table of warp effects you've constructed. I think it will make Thaumcraft more approachable, yet still punishing at high levels.

What items will the Junk effect spawn?

Cata-bre commented 2 years ago

I think 200 warp as the upper limit is a good starting place for now. It increases our warp range significantly, but is low enough that you're still limited in the amount you can research without serious consequences.

D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

Thanks again for the suggestions! I made the two changes mentioned here:

and removed Chest Scramble and updated the table:

I think the list of effects is looking pretty good now; filled in some of the gaps.

Here's what Junk spawns currently:

I can't decide if it's better or worse than Inventory Swap. I have it after Inventory Swap right now, but maybe we could move it earlier? All three of the inventory effects are pretty high right now purely due to how annoying they can be. I made sure never to place inventory items into the currently selected slot so you won't do something like accidentally mallet a transformer and blow up your base.

Cata-bre commented 2 years ago

I can't decide if it's better or worse than Inventory Swap.

While annoying, I would find the Junk effect less frustrating than inventory swap. At high levels of warp (200+) you could add a Level 2 to the Junk effect that spawns Taint Tendrils and Tainted Goo. This is as dangerous as Livestock Rain spawning tainted sheep. IIRC, these decay in your inventory giving you temporary warp. We have to be careful we don't spawn 10+ warp worth of items via the level 2 junk effect. That's why I'd make it 200+ warp.

I made sure never to place inventory items into the currently selected slot so you won't do something like accidentally mallet a transformer and blow up your base.


D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

Ok, I swapped Inventory Swap and Junk.

I think the Taint Tendrils and Tainted Goo aren't actually capable of spreading taint? They can just decay in your inventory, which gives you a damaging debuff IIRC.

Cata-bre commented 2 years ago

I thought the Taint Tendrils and Tainted Goo gave you temporary warp. You're correct, they aren't near as dangerous as tainted sheep.

Cata-bre commented 2 years ago

Just to be clear, are the updated table values are now in

bombcar commented 2 years ago doesn't exist yet, but they're in if you want to take a look in single player:

meonester commented 2 years ago

I'm currently playing on version pre. Those new Warp "prizes" needs some tweaking as they are literally getting spammed (1 per minute or so). For instance flux flu almost never goes away, and during last hour my character laid ~20 eggs. That said i have only 21 warp(17 permanent + 4 normal).

Edit: After some time it stabilized and now I'm getting effects sporadically. It was probably false alarm - after giving it some thought, just before updating i washed away(using this fancy soap) 5 points of normal warp, so it can be directly related to this fact(assuming it has similar result as eating pure tear).

bombcar commented 2 years ago

Perhaps we need an inherent brake on the amount per X minutes that loosens up as you go higher?

D-Cysteine commented 2 years ago

Flux flu is a vanilla Thaumcraft warp effect, so it's unrelated to these changes. Vanilla Thaumcraft warp effects do fade over time, so as long as you aren't gaining any more warp (not sure if removing warp also refreshes them), they should gradually stop affecting you at all. This might explain why you noticed things stabilizing: it could just be the vanilla effects fading away.

The egg effect queues up multiple eggs each time it triggers (3-8 eggs); it's not one egg per trigger. So those 20 eggs might actually only be 3 events. Also, with such a low warp, you are only eligible for a short list of warp events. This means that you're much more likely to get the same one repeatedly (i.e. eggs multiple times), since it only picks from among events that you're eligible for.