GabeMillikan / Wizard101Trivia

Easily answer wizard101 trivia questions
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Easily answer wizard101 trivia questions. 42 different trivias are currently supported (see Supported Quizzes).


How to Use

  1. Download the program (detailed in the next section)
  2. Go to your favorite Wizard101 trivia (see Supported Quizzes)
  3. Copy the question (or enable "Automatically copy selected text", which does this step automatically)
  4. Select the best answer provided
  5. Collect free crowns
  6. Repeat

How to Download

  1. Download python from (it's the big yellow button). Python is the programming language used in this project.
  2. Install it by running what you just downloaded. You shouldn't have to change any options, just click "Install now".
  3. Open a command prompt or terminal (it is important that you wait to open the terminal until AFTER step 2 is fully complete).
  4. Copy/paste this into the terminal, press enter, and wait for it to complete (you should see a lot of text scroll by). Don't worry if you see any yellow warnings, just ignore them. Only run the one command for your specific operating system.
    • MacOS and Linux: python3 -m pip install pyautogui fuzzywuzzy
    • Windows: py -m pip install pyautogui fuzzywuzzy
  5. Now you'll need to download this project itself. Follow these steps
    • Go to this link:
    • Right click anywhere and choose "Save As" (or just press ctrl-s)
    • Save it to your computer as "trivia.pyw" (this should be the default)
    • You can call it anything you want (i just happened to choose "trivia"), it just has to end with ".pyw". A common mistake would be to accidentally call the file "trivia.pyw.txt", so if the program doesn't work, that is probably why.
  6. Double click the file to run it. You might have to choose to open it with Python which was installed in step 2.
    • You should see the window at this point! If you don't, then something is wrong and feel free to message me.

Will I get banned?

Unlikely, but I won't make any guarantees. From Kingsisle's perspective, you're just pressing ctrl-c, then choosing an answer. It will be difficult for them to distinguish between this program and just Googling the answers. If you enable "Automatically copy selected text", then the program will press ctrl-c 20 times every second. It's entirely possible for KI to detect this, so I give you fair warning. I don't think that they will do anything about it though, since it's probably not worth their time. If you want to be extra cautious, then disable the option and just manually copy the question yourself.

Supported Quizzes

There may be some missing answers, please message me and let me know so I can add them!

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