GabrielPeresBernes / Dolphin-Web-3

Responsive website created with React.js and Bootstrap
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bootstrap front-end reactjs website

Dolhin Web v3

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Responsive website created with React.js and Bootstrap, to see it live access Marina Dolphin.


🚦 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project.


To run this project is required to have Node.js installed, the instructions for installing it can be found on the Node's page.

You will also need a dependency manager, the main options are NPM which is installed with Node.js, or you can get YARN.

Finally download the images required in the project.


Install the dependencies from package.json, open a terminal on the project root directory and run:

$ npm install

# or

$ yarn install

Rename the downloaded images directory to images, and move it inside /src.

To start the application, inside de project root directory run:

$ npm run start

# or

$ yarn start

🔝 Deployment

To deploy this aplication, open a terminal on the project root directory and run:

$ npm run build

# or

$ yarn build

💻 Built With

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