Gabriella439 / suns-search

Fast all-atom protein structural search engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 4 forks source link

suns-search v1.0.0

The Suns protein search engine lets you perform fast all-atom searches on protein structures

Note that the DeGrado lab hosts a public search engine which you can use for free at The Suns PyMOL plugin and the suns-cmd command line tool both will send searches to this public server by default and if you are satisfied with that server you do not need to deploy your own server using this source package.

The main reasons you might want to build this package and host your own search engine are:

This package does not include either the Suns PyMOL plugin, nor the suns-cmd command line search tool. Those are provided separately at:


In order to deploy your own server, you must install the nix package manager, which you can find here:

Then you must install the nixops deploy tool by running:

$ nix-env --install --attr nixops --file ./release.nix

Specify PDB files to index

This repository comes with a pdb/ subdirectory with one example PDB file inside (2GBP.pdb). Before deploying the server you must populate this directory with your desired set of PDB structures that you would like the SUNS server to index and make searchable

Note that suns-server requires approximately 1 GB of working memory per 270 chains, so factor that into how many structures you want to be able to search.

If you're not sure what to use, try one of the PISCES datasets curated by the Dunbrack lab:

Specify motifs to index

You can optionally change the set of motifs that Suns indexes, too. If you don't want to do that then skip this section.

A default motif directory is provided with a reasonable default set of motifs. Each sub-directory corresponds to a searchable motif, and the PDB files contained within these sub-directories correspond to specific instances of each motif type.

You need at least one PDB file per residue type that the motif matches. For example, the peptide_bond motif has one file per residue, since it matches all twenty residue types. Each match must have the same number of atoms and the atom order between matches must be consistent.

Also note that motifs are indexed by bonds, not by atoms. That means that you cannot define a single-atom motif and it also means that any non-bonded atoms will be ignored.

Note that if you are using the PyMOL plugin and choose to customize the motif directory, you will also need to rebuild the PyMOL plugin to recognize the new motifs you have chosen. This is because the PyMOL plugin uses the motif definitions to automatically expand selections to motifs. See the PyMOL plugin build instructions for details on how to customize its behavior.


This is set up so that you can use nixops to deploy the server. nixops supports several deployment options, including (but not limited to):

The following sections explain how to deploy to the above types of machines

Note that nixops also supports deploying to an existing machine running NixOS, but that's not covered in this manual

Also, if you have any issues with the following instructions, you might want to check out the NixOps manual:

The manual also includes instructions for additional ways that you can customize your deployment beyond the defaults configured in this repository

Deploy to an AWS EC2 instance

You will need to create an AWS account with programmatic access by following the instructions here:

... and then saving your credentials to ~/.aws/credentials, like so:

aws_access_key_id     = AKIA...
aws_secret_access_key = ...

Make sure that this ~/.aws/credentials file is not world-readable!

Modify the nix/ec2.nix to specify the AWS region and instance size you want to use. The deployment uses t2.micro by default, which is eligible for 750 hours of free tier usage.

Once you are done, you can run:

$ nixops create --deployment suns nix/ec2.nix nix/logical.nix
$ nix/

Deploy to a VirtualBox virtual machine

You must first install VirtualBox from:

Modify nix/vbox.nix to configure how much memory (in MB) that you wish to provide the virtual machine and then run:

$ nixops create --deployment suns nix/vbox.nix nix/logical.nix
$ nix/

Deploy to a libvirtd virtual machine on NixOS

Follow the instructions here to set up libvirtd on your NixOS machine:

Modify nix/virtd.nix to configure how much memory (in MB) that you wish to provide the virtual machine and then run:

$ nixops create --deployment suns nix/virtd.nix nix/logical.nix
$ nix/

Now what?

Once the deploy completes the server is ready to go. You can obtain the server IP address by running:

$ nixops info --deployment suns

... and once you point your PyMOL SUNS plugin to that IP address you can begin searching for protein structures.

You can also log into the server by running:

$ nixops ssh --deployment suns machine

... and you can turn off the machine by running:

$ nixops stop --deployment suns

... and you can also destroy all traces of the instance or virtual machine by running:

$ nixops destroy --deployment suns
$ nixops delete  --deployment suns

License (GPLv2)

Copyright 2013-2017 Gabriella Gonzalez

This file is part of the Suns Search Engine

The Suns Search Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The Suns Search Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Suns Search Engine. If not, see