Gaelic-Algorithmic-Research-Group / ARCOSG

Annotated Corpus of Scottish Gaelic
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Annotated Corpus of Scottish Gaelic

ARCOSG is a representative, tagged corpus of Scottish Gaelic, divided into 8 registers (4 spoken, 4 written) of approximately 10k words each. The corpus is presented as individual txt files. The corpus was hand-tagged by Lamb, Arbuthnot and Naismith and separately verified by them.

ARCOSG uses Brown format tag separators ('/': e.g. 'agus/Cc') and an annotation scheme derived from the Irish PAROLE tagset (Uí Dhonnchadha, E. and van Genabith, J. 2006. A Part-of-Speech tagger for Irish using finite state morphology and constraint grammar disambiguation. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), 2241-2244.).

The annotation scheme is described in a PDF included with the data: Lamb, W. and Naismith, S (2020) Scottish Gaelic Part-of-Speech Annotation Guidelines.

A mapping file to the universal tagset of Petrov, Das, & McDonald is included as ''.

This work was funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.

CITATION Lamb, William; Arbuthnot, Sharon; Naismith, Susanna; Danso, Samuel (2020). Annotated Reference Corpus of Scottish Gaelic (ARCOSG), 1997-2020 [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. Celtic and Scottish Studies.