GaetanGiraud / angular-login

Authentification with Angularjs
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Angular JS Auth Example App

This is an example app for an Angular JS Authentification mechanism, including server side set-up.

While very simple in set up, the goal is here to show a working implementation of Authentification with Angular.

Server side:

- a nodejs / express server
- mongoDB and mongoose ORM for data persistance
- redis (used as a session store)
- Angular-Ui twitter bootstrap for styling

So you need to have those installed on your machine (Angular-ui does not require any action on your side)


The repository includes the following files:

app.js              --> Express app
package.json        --> for npm
  database.js       --> database configuration. Edit to match your local setup.
  User.js           --> Mongoose user model definition.
  css/              --> Css files. Include twitter bootstrap for some styling.
  images/           --> Include icons for bootstrap.
    libs/           --> Angular, Angular-bootstrap libs
    app.js          --> Routing, global variables and $rootScope event listener
    auth-service    --> The actual authentification angular service. 
                                 Uses the angular-ui bootstrap $dialog directive.
    controllers.js  --> Angular controllers.
    directives.js   --> Angular directives.
    filters.js      --> Angular filters.
    services.js     --> Angular services.
  api.js            --> Group the api logic in one place.
  users.js          --> The actual User API.
  index.js          --> route index for express templates.
  sessions.js       --> handle session logic on the server side
  index.jade        --> Application index. Include the script tags linking to Angular libs
  layout.jade       --> Application layout.
  partials/         --> Angular partials

How to Use


Redis Session Store

Express (through Connect) comes with its own in-memory session store. This configuration is not to be used in production! (As Connect will remind you if you try to!)

Therefore, and because it really is not difficult to set up, the default configuration includes Redis as the default session store. To use the Express session store, in app.js:

Basic Auth Functionality

Basic auth functionatility which are present in the app includes:


Contact me using the comments if you need some help, or if you want to contribute!.

For more information on AngularJS please check out For more on Express and Jade, and are your friends.