Gaia-X-Hub-Germany / IF-Access-and-Usage-Policies-and-Enforcement

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Implementation Forum "Access & Usage Policies and Enforcement"

General Information

This is the repository for the Data Space Implementation Forum "Access & Usage Policies and Enforcement", dealing with the corresponding DSSC Building Block.

We are currently meeting every four weeks on Thursdays 12.00-13.00. Reminders and invitations for new participants will be sent 1-2 days before the meetings. To receive invitations, please register via this link and select the building block. You can propose agenda items by committing changes to the agenda below. Please also join our Matrix channel.

This meeting depends on contributions from data space projects (i.e. YOU). Please contact Gaia-X Hub Germany in advance to schedule an input. Contributions may be in the following form, but any othe interesting input regarding our IF topics are of course also welcome:

Agenda for next meeting, Thursday 25.07.2024 - 12:00 - 13:00

Reference Implementations

Related Literature

What is an Implementation Forum?

This format offers the Data Space Community a place for exchange between projects regarding the “building blocks” proposed by the DSSC. In these meetings our target is to provide a structure to discuss and tackle common issues, progress and questions for the corresponding building block(s). Here, we will focus on topics surrounding implementation for Data Spaces and projects, not on theoretical concepts as do the DSSC expert groups or Gaia-X WGs. To register for the community please click this link.


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