GaianRangerPlugin / ranger-gaian-plugin

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Please go to to read about Egeria, where you will also find governance engine plugins for Apache Ranger and Impersonation support. You can also join the community and contribute there

If you are interested in directly contributing this capability to Apache Ranger please feel free - and ideally get in touch so we can work on merging in the code from Egeria :-)

Nigel Jones


This plugin provides support for Ranger policies to be implemented when access data through Gaian. For example:

See doc/ for example SQL statements and how they will behave


Building the plugin

This project contains multiple modules for

Ensure the required build requirements are installed

Next extract the source & build:

`git clone`
`cd ranger-gaian-plugin`
`mvn clean install`

This should produce the ranger plugin built in the 'plugin\target' directory called ranger-gaian-plugin-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar . This contains the plugin AND the dependent libraries.

NOTE: If you had an earlier version of this plugin you may have dependent libraries in the policy directory. These are no longer required, you ONLY need the jar file and the config files

Also note the root 'target' directory does not currently contain any packaged deployable components (to be aggregated later) and can be ignored.

Running Unit Tests

Unit tests are based on 'spock'.

Due to a current bug in the pom tests do not run automatically from maven

To run within IntelliJ right click on plugin/src/test or impersonation/src/test and open up the groovy/spock test file and run from there by clicking on the green triangles. Other modules will be coded in a similar way

Deploying the plugin to Gaian

First modify the '' script provided by Gaian to add additional directories to the classpath, which is where we will install the plugin. The best place to do this is just before the section of code labelled 'automatic jar discovery' :

`export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:/root/gaiandb/gaiandb/policy/*"`
`export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:/root/gaiandb/gaiandb/policy/conf/"`

Deploying the Service Definition to Ranger

This needs to be done once only (unless the service definition changes)

`cd resources/service-defs`
`curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @ranger-servicedef-gaian.json http://localhost:6080/service/plugins/definitions`

Replace localhost with the IP /port of your Ranger Server

Once posted, the ranger access manager page should now show 'Gaian' as a selectable component

In some cases (in particular when deploying to a standalone clean ranger, as opposed to HDP) you may need to copy the plugin to the ranger server too. When complete this would be done to support the resource name typeahead feature

Make the directory & copy the plugin jar to /opt/ranger-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins/gaian

Adjust the path as appropriate based on the install location

Updating an existing service definition

First delete any existing gaian services through the ranger UI

Then find out the id of the gaian servicedef. This would either have been returned when deployed, or you can pull all definitions to find it ie

`curl -u admin:admin localhost:6080/service/public/v2/api/servicedef/ | jsonpp | less`

'jsonpp' is one way to format a json file on macOS (installed using the 'brew' environment ie brew install jsonpp)

Look for gaian & then find the id....

To delete:

`curl  -u admin:admin -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"`

Configuring the Gaian plugin

Modify the following files on gaian under policy/conf:

Adding support for User Impersonation

The impersonation/ directory provides a module to allow a valid gaian user to assert that they are in fact acting on behalf of another user, which does not need to be pre-configured in gaian. This allows Ranger policies to operate on behalf of a end-user rather than a generic service account.

To install this support

Check gaian works by starting it. If the support is not installed gaian will fail to start with many errors, and in gaiandb.log you will find an entry stating:

`2018-02-22 14:32:54.780 ********** GDB_WARNING: ENGINE_JDBC_CONN_ATTEMPT_ERROR: Failed JDBC Connection attempt in 172 ms for: jdbc:derby:gaiandb;create=true, cause: java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Connection refused : FATAL: There is no Authentication Service for the system; Common issues: missing jdbc driver, network/database unavailability (e.g. firewall), incorrect user/password and/or insufficient database access rights (e.g. if derby.database.defaultConnectionMode=noAccess in`

If this is seen check the jar file, properties entry, classpath & location ... derby.log may have further information bb

To make use of this support connect to the database with properties set as follows:

The user that derby/gaian should act on behalf of, once authentication is completed

If proxy-user/pwd is not used this is the password of the User. If not, it has to be specified as a non null string, but is ignored

Specifies the service account (aka NPA) to authenticate as

Specifies the proxy account's password

So for example instead of using a string similar to jdbc:derby://localhost:6414/gaiandb;user=gaiandb;password=passw0rd Use jdbc:derby://localhost:6414/gaiandb;user=nigel;password=x;proxy-user=gaiandb;proxy-pwd=passw0rd

After authentication derby/gaian will see the user as 'nigel' even though gaiandb/passw0rd is the user/pass setup in gaian. Therefore ranger policies can be used that refer to 'nigel' or the groups they are a member of (when implemented)

Note that with this plugin installed

You can check correct proxy auth by looking in gaiandb.log for lines similar to:

2018-02-22 15:06:49.806~869155397 ProxyUserAuthenticator -----> Performing proxy authentication with user:gaiandb on behalf of:nigel
2018-02-22 15:21:51.567~626209601 ProxyUserAuthenticator -----> authentication was successful

or for regular users:

2018-02-22 15:21:51.567~626125459 ProxyUserAuthenticator -----> Performing regular authentication for user:gaiandb
2018-02-22 15:21:51.567~626209601 ProxyUserAuthenticator -----> authentication was successful

whilst a failure case will look like:

2018-02-22 15:24:04.519~577348241 ProxyUserAuthenticator -----> Performing proxy authentication with user:gaiandb on behalf of:nigel
2018-02-22 15:24:04.519~577422022 ProxyUserAuthenticator -----> Performing regular authentication for user:nigel
2018-02-22 15:24:04.519~577484342 ProxyUserAuthenticator -----> authentication failed

since we first try proxy auth (if parms specified) & then fall back to regular authentication

Note that Gaian converts all users to upper case. However most users in ldap are typically lower case. Ranger is case sensitive meaning that policies will not match. In the current version therefore ALL userids through gaian are mapped to lower case before policy checks occur.

Verifying the environment


Creating Ranger Policies

Testing Policies

select firstname,lastname,birth_date from TABLE(VEMPLOYEE('VEMPLOYEE')) VEMP FETCH FIRST 100 rows only

and then create column access/deny policies for testing.

If instead VTI syntax is used, the user id cannot be retrieved and will be set to If regular table/view syntax is used it is assumed ALL columns are access so policies will be unnecessarily restrictive

This is due to current derby/gaian integration limitations.

Data masking should also work, but due to a current issue it will fail if columns in the result set (before masking) are null & table functions are in use.

See RangerPolicyResultFilter:filterRowsBatch for the explanation. This will be addressed in future



No Audit log entries

Look in the ranger plugin output (log4J) ie:

018-02-23 09:43:29 ERROR SolrAuditProvider:192 - Error sending message to Solr java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException at at org.apache.ranger.audit.provider.MiscUtil.executePrivilegedAction( at org.apache.ranger.audit.provider.solr.SolrAuditProvider.log( at org.apache.ranger.audit.provider.MultiDestAuditProvider.log( at at Caused by: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: Server refused connection at:

In this case check the hostname/port specified for solr logging

Policies are not cached

If you see

`2018-02-22 15:48:55 ERROR PolicyRefresher:396 - failed to save policies to cache file '/root/gaiandb/gaiandb/policycache/gaian_gaian.json'`
` /root/gaiandb/gaiandb/policycache/gaian_gaian.json (No such file or directory)`

check the specification of PolicyCache in the plugin configuration file & ensure the directory exists and is writeable

Cannot create gaian service on ranger server

If you get an error 'cannot find class XXX' copy the ranger gaian plugin to the ranger server as documented above in the section on deploying the servicedef.