GaijinEntertainment / DagorEngine

Dagor Engine and Tools source code from Gaijin Games KFT
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Working with scripts #29

Closed oschepkovdaniel closed 6 months ago

oschepkovdaniel commented 6 months ago

Is there currently any way, to customize game logic. Like, I have created a project, based on testGI, but I was not able to find any examples of "scripts" in samples. Or there is no way currently to customize game's logic right now? The docs are also have not any information about it

NicSavichev commented 6 months ago

Currently available samples (physTest, skiesSample, testGI) doesn't use scripts. Their purpose only to check buildability of engine and demonstration of some core render features. More representative sample is upcoming (it uses DAS (dasclang) scripts and NUT (quirrel) scripts for game logic and UI respectively). Game UI (daRg-based) scripts can be tested and studied right now with dargbox (part of tools).

oschepkovdaniel commented 6 months ago

but does this mean its impossible to use game logic scripts right now (even if i technically figure out how to use it myself), or it requires some additional parts, to be able to run scripts?

NicSavichev commented 6 months ago

Everything needed for scripting is published (script VMs and binding) but you have to write code that will be used by scripts.

oschepkovdaniel commented 6 months ago
