GaijinEntertainment / DagorEngine

Dagor Engine and Tools source code from Gaijin Games KFT
2.14k stars 267 forks source link

How to Build: Environment

Requirements for building and using the Dagor Engine toolkit: Windows 10 (x64), 16 GB of RAM, 200 GB of HDD/SSD space.

Create a project folder at the root of any drive (the folder name should not contain spaces or non-Latin characters).

md X:\develop && cd X:\develop

Clone the Dagor Engine source code and samples:

git clone
cd DagorEngine

Run the script. This script will download, install, and configure the build toolkit. You should provide the path to the build toolkit folder as an argument, and the script will create this folder if it doesn't exist.

python3 X:\develop\devtools

If the script is not run as an administrator, installers of certain programs may request permission for installation, which you should grant. If you plan to use plugins for 3ds Max, press 'Y' when the script asks if you want to install the 3ds Max SDK. The script will also ask to add the path X:\develop\devtools to the PATH environment variable and set the GDEVTOOL variable to point to this folder.

After the script completes its work, the X:\develop\devtools folder will be configured with the following SDKs and tools:

Restart the command line console to make the new environment variables available.

How to Build: Prebuilt Binaries

You will need to download and extract additional binary files from the repository into the X:\develop\DagorEngine folder:

The directory structure should look like this:




How to Build: Build from Source Code

To build the "testGI" sample, navigate to the X:\develop\DagorEngine\samples\testGI\prog folder and run the "jam" command. After building, the executable file will be placed in the testGI\game folder.

Run DagorEngine/build_all.cmd to build the entire project toolkit from the source code. This process may take a considerable amount of time.

Open-source roadmap

We are going to open-source more parts of our Engine and tools. These are general and broad plans for next year, can be changed.


Basic dagor samples

The Pretty Games framework

Framework with samples and documentation, based on daslang and dagor. Details yet to come.