Galkurta / Cowtopia-BOT

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CowTopia Auto-Manager

CowTopia Auto-Manager is a Node.js application designed to automate various tasks in the CowTopia game. It helps manage multiple accounts, automatically purchase cows, upgrade factories, and claim offline profits.



Before running the CowTopia Auto-Manager, make sure you have the following installed:


  1. Clone this repository or download the source code.
  2. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  3. Install the required dependencies by running:
npm install


  1. Create a file named data.txt in the project root directory.
  2. Add your CowTopia account tokens to data.txt, one per line.

Example data.txt:



To start the CowTopia Auto-Manager, run the following command in your terminal:

node main.js

Follow the prompts to configure auto-buy options for cows and factories.

The program will cycle through all accounts listed in data.txt, performing the following actions:

  1. Log in and display account information
  2. Buy cows (if enabled)
  3. Upgrade factories (if enabled)
  4. Upgrade houses (if enabled)
  5. Claim offline profits

After processing all accounts, the program will wait for 5 minutes before starting the next cycle.


You can modify the following parameters in the main.js file:


This tool is for educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk and make sure you comply with CowTopia's terms of service.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.