GaloisInc / lustre-sally

ISC License
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The lustre-sally tool can verify systems specified using the Lustre language by converting Lustre specifications into a state-machine representation suitable for analysis using Sally. It then invokes the Sally model checker on this state-machine model.

Building lustre-sally

Lustre-Sally is written in Haskell and can be built with the Stack build system. If you have a recent version of Stack installed, it should be sufficient to clone the lustre-sally repository and run stack build within it.

git clone
cd lustre-sally
git submodule update --init
./lustre-sally build

Once it has been built, lustre-sally can be run as follows:

./lustre-sally run

Using lustre-sally

The lustre-sally program checks Lustre models to determine whether properties embedded within the models are always true. It uses the Sally model checker to do the core analysis work.

It takes as input a single Lustre file that may have embedded property descriptions.

For each property, it prints out whether the property is always true ("Valid"), sometimes false ("Invalid"), or could not be determined ("Unknown").

In the case where a property is invalid, lustre-sally will generate an interactive HTML trace of the sequence of states leading to the property violation.


Here is an example Lustre model (file tests/jkind/integrate.lus in the distribution). More examples are included in directory tests/jkind.

node integ(x : int) returns (sum : int);
  sum = x + (0 -> pre sum);

node main(x : int; y : int) returns (z : int);
  history : bool;
  prop1 : bool;
  prop2 : bool;
  z = integ(x);

  history = x > 0 and (true -> pre history);
  prop1 = history => z > 0;

  --%PROPERTY prop1;

  prop2 = integ(x) + integ(y) = integ(x + y);
  --%PROPERTY prop2;

This file has two properties defined in node main. This node takes two input x and y and produces an output z. In Lustre, these input and output variables are called flows and denote infinite sequences of values (in this case, integer values). The model also includes Boolean flows history, prop1 and prop2 that specify properties we want to verify. The Lustre model can be interpreted as a set of equations that output flows in terms of the input flows.

For example, node integ takes an input flow x and produces an output flow sum defined by the equation

sum = x + (0 -> pre sum).

One can interpret x and sum as sequences of integers ($x{t}$) and ($\mathit{sum}{t}$) for $t \in \mathbb{N}$. Then the previous equation means

$$ \mathit{sum}0 = 0 $$ $$ \mathit{sum}{t+1} = \mathit{sum}{t} + x{t} $$

In the rest of the model, z is the sum of the past values of x and history is true as long as all past values of x are positive. The flow prop1 should then be always true: if all past values of x are positive, then their sum is positive. Similarly, prop2 should be always true.

We can verify the two property by invoking lustre-sally as follows:

stack run lustre-sally tests/jkind/integrate.lus

The tool will confirm that both prop1 and prop2 are valid (that is they are always true).

Command-Line Options

Several command-line options are available:

Docker integration

The Dockerfile in this repository can be used to build an image containing an up to date version of lustre-sally, sally, and yices.

Building a Docker image

The following steps can be used to build an image:

1. ./build-utils/prep-docker-build
2. docker build --tag lustre-sally .

Running a Docker image

The Docker image needs two directories on the host: one for inputs and one for outputs. See build-utils/run-docker for an example of how to invoke docker.

The input directory should contain Lustre models with queries---lustre-sally will process each Lustre model, and store the results in the ouput directory.

The input directory may also contain a file call settings, which can provide additional configuration for lustre-sally. The format of this file is as a list of key: value pairs, where the keys are the same as the long names of the command line options for lustre-sally and the values are the corresponding command line flags. Here is an example of a simple settings file:

counter-example-limit: 25
counter-example-lower-limit: 25
proof-depth: 1