GaloisInc / salty

A DSL for generating GR(1) problems
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
11 stars 3 forks source link

Build Status

The Salty DSL

Salty is a domain specific language for describing GR(1) synthesis problems.

Current State

Salty is currently under active development, and can be used to produce Python, Java, C++, and SPARK/Ada source from a GR(1) specification.

Language Goals

Building Salty



It's easiest to build salty using the stack tool. Stack will manage the installation of all haskell dependencies, as well as the GHC compiler itself. One downside to using stack is that it won't automatically pull changes from the language-slugs repository.


You will need to build and install the slugs GR(1) synthesis tool. Once installed, you can tell salty where to find the slugs executable by passing the -s or --slugs flag. There is no installation target in the slugs Makefile. However, the slugs executable has no runtime dependencies, so "installing" it by adding the executable's directory to your $PATH is sufficient for building salty.


Salty will do some additional sanity checking of specifications before sending them to slugs. On linux, z3 is likely available in your package manager (e.g. apt) , and on OSX it's available through homebrew.


Once stack, z3, and slugs are installed, salty can be built:

$ stack build
$ stack exec -- salty -h

Optionally, you can install salty globally using the stack install command, which will place the salty binary in $HOME/.local/bin. Add this directory to your $PATH if you want to be able to run salty from an arbitrary directory.

Test examples can be built by running make in the tests/ directory, and will place all of the generated Java code in the tests/build directory.

Additional example .salt files are available in the examples directory.