Game-as-a-Service / Game-Lobby-Web

The frontend of the Game as a Service lobby.
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 7 forks source link


The frontend of the Game as a Service lobby.


# Host by Yarn
1. yarn
2. yarn dev

# Host by Docker
1. Install Docker and Docker compose
2. docker compose build
3. docker compose up

# Lint
yarn pre-commit

# Runs All Test
yarn test

## Unit Test
yarn unit-test
### Test single files/folder
yarn jest $PATH

## E2E Test
yarn e2e-test

# Storybook
yarn storybook

Starting the Project

如何在自己的本地跑前端專案,並連接 webSocket

# 調整 .env.development file
# 後端 RESTful API 的 url
# 後端 Socket 的 url
# 取消前端 Mock Data
# 使用 yarn install dependencies
# 如果出現 Error 可以改成使用 yarn install 下載
# 啟動專案
yarn dev

Git Cooperation

Naming Convention

Components DoD

  1. Test
  2. Implementation
  3. Doc(Storybook)

Things to Know

  1. Atomic Design
  2. MVVM
  3. Storybook Reference
    1. Material UI
    2. Demo: Playground + Props (Size, color, ...)
  4. mocks/:放 mock 資料,提供給 pages/api/mock 使用

Directory Structure - By Type

Github Projects

  1. 原訂要做的直接開 Issues (Story Points, AC, Assignee, API)
  2. 未捕捉到的:開 PR 時綁 Github Projects

    這樣在 Github Projects 就能看到原本的 User Story 跟 Sprint 過程中多做的 bugs,如果這週沒辦法完成的就開 Issues 在下次開會時納入討論


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