GameWizards / anttris

A Project
MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link

CSE326 Project Build Status


The Name

anttris is anti-tetris; you destroy things rather than build them!

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Obtaining Godot

You will need to obtain the Godot game engine for your platform. Portable binaries [app bundle for OS X] are available for:

These are portable, so they can be placed anywhere you want (~/bin/ might be a good place.)

Additionally, Godot's source code is available from their Github repository.

Building and Running

  1. Clone this repository to your own filesystem. Via https at the command line: git clone
  2. Launch the appropriate Godot executable.
  3. You will be greeted with Godot's project manager. Click "import" at the right, and navigate to the Anttris top level directory using the file browser that comes up.
  4. Find src/engine.cfg and open it. Godot should open the project now. At this point, you can click the "play" button at the top of the screen to start up the game immediately.
  5. See Godot's own documentation for more!

Exporting a Standalone App

As Godot is still in beta, this is currently buggy, and we don't recommend trying it for now. For the adventurous, however, it works best on Windows. OS X exports seem to never work on the computer they were exported on. More at the wiki.


We believe in being able to do what you want with open source software; to that end, we've placed Anttris under the MIT license. Please read LICENSE for the particular terms.