GamingHQ / DayZHQ

All my DayZ content and projects
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DayZ informational board

Before going nuts on the files, keep in in your head that most work in the DayZ branch are for users who are having troubles setting up a proper JSON file or doenst know how to edit these. The examples listed here are coding from original plugins such as the config.json files for example. WE never share or do altering the code from within. Also know that this information listed here is for educational purposes only and shall not be downloaded, copied or shared without the proper questions of it first.

DayZ intruduction

GamingHQ has a DayZ server active running with several mods, These mods will be listed here and explained what they do. We provide examples, coding as well soon the branch for our own map. ( hidden branch )

Keep in mind

The code you find here are not fully completed. These coding we provide are pure EXAMPLES of what you could reach as goal. You will still have to implent them yourself.

Other information board

Check out our other information boards that we use to share our knownledge and coding, script examples of plugins we use that you can use for your gameserver as well. Information about mods we dont have installed but are supported by us will also be found in these "boards". Keep in mind, these mods are not made by us or anything. We only provide informational content for educational as well for personal use purposes only. These will mostlikly be settings for certain plugins that comes with other plugins like airdrop upgraded for example for more loot options for the online game DayZ.

This board contains as follow