Gamoloco / known-issues

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Gamoloco - Known Issues

Just like everyone else, we have issues at Gamoloco.

To keep you informed about them, we have started a list : We'll keep it updated as we make progress on fixing those or add new ones.

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Fortunately this list isn't too big, especially when you consider we have aggregated data for 16 millions channels in our daily scoreboards only. But in all truth, there might be other issues on top of this list, ones that we haven't found out about yet. I'm thinking specifically about data-related ones such as unexplained spikes or missing entries, but it could also be random bugs.

If you browse Gamoloco on a regular basis and notice something that looks strange, please give us a hand by letting us know! You could do it directly here if you have a Github account. We have also have a contact page you could you use, if that's more convenient.