Ganterpore / advancedBudgets
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Advanced Budgets is a sveltekit app with a postgres database, deploying to Vercel.

It is used for tracking spending and managing budgets for an individual.

Technical Overview

Standard sveltekit structure, pages of the app are managed from the routes. Reusable functions are in lib, with reusable components in lib/components. Each page in routes will have the standard sveltekit files, as well as a types file to describe the unique types for the space, and a model file which describes the model in the database. They may also have some area specific components.


npm run db
npm run migrate:up
npm run dev


To deploy the current version in a staging environment


To deploy to production, push up your branch, get it approved and merge to master. The application should automatically deploy when merged with master.

Working with the database

# Create a docker image running the DB with the current migrations
npm run db 
# Stop that docker image and db
npm run db-close

npm run migrate:make $migration_name # create a new migration
npm run migrate:up # run all new migrations
npm run migrate:down # rollback a migration


Authorisation is handled by a combination of arctic, Lucia and Auth0.

I initially chose Auth0 for handling OAuth registration securely with various OAuth providers, google, facebook etc.

However, at the time of writing, there is no native sveltekit implementation of Auth0. Initially I tried working around this manually, but it was causing many issues, so I chose to use Lucia to handle session tokens and user logins.

arctic works as a middle man between Lucia and Auth0.

If Auth0 creates a sveltekit implementation I will probably either switch to that, or move towards native Lucia / arctic OAuth functionality.