Gargron / fileupload

PHP FileUpload library that supports chunked uploads
MIT License
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PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value #52

Closed Indigo744 closed 7 years ago

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago


First of all, thank you for this library. It works really well.

However, I have sometimes these kind of errors: Severity: Warning --> Creating default object from empty value /.../vendor/gargron/fileupload/src/FileUpload/FileUpload.php 263

Looking at the code:

            } else {
                if ($upload && $upload['error'] != 0) {
                    $file = $this->getFileContainer();
                    $file->error = $this->getMessage($upload['error']); // <--- warning line is here
                    $file->errorCode = $upload['error'];
                    $this->files[] = $file;

It seems that $file is not set properly (i.e. empty) hence the error when setting $file->error.

I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do in this branch, hence why I don't try to fix it and push a PR...

I hope you will find the time to look at it :)


adelowo commented 7 years ago

Hi, how can i reproduce this locally ?

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

I'm not really sure... I happens quite frequently when leaving the page (or doing a refresh) while uploading a big file in chunks.

However, just by looking at the code I can see that, in this branch, the $this->getFileContainer() will always return something empty because the $this->fileContainer will not be set. It is set by the method process() which is not called in this branch.

adelowo commented 7 years ago

The fileContainer is supposed to be set in the constructor... Not sure why it is isn't

adelowo commented 7 years ago

I would take a look at this tomorrow but if you can fix this, please do :+1:

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

In the constructor ? I don't see it...

    public function __construct($upload, $server, FileNameGenerator $generator = null)
        $this->upload = isset($upload) ? $upload : null;
        $this->server = $server;
        $this->fileNameGenerator = $generator ?: new Simple();
Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

For me, this attribute is set in the process()method :

    protected function process($tmp_name, $name, $size, $type, $error, $index = 0, $content_range = null)
        $this->fileContainer = $file = new File($tmp_name);
adelowo commented 7 years ago

I meant it should have been initialized in the constructor but it wasn't.. I have added this to my todo list though

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

Oh sorry, I've read your answer too quickly!

I'm not really sure actually how to fix this. Maybe use a default standard class like $this->fileContainer = new \stdClass(); ?

adelowo commented 7 years ago

That would be off, it is supossed to be an instance of File specific to the current uploaded file (being processed)

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, you're right... But we don't have the name in the constructor yet...

Maybe in the offending branch, check for the return value of getFileContainer() and if null create a standard class with only error and errorCode attribute set? Can't do better, since there is an upload error, but not an upload tmp_name value...

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

I just made some more tests when aborting an upload.

In this particular branch

$upload = Array
    [name] => someFileName.ext
    [type] => 
    [tmp_name] => 
    [error] => 3
    [size] => 0

The code 3 corresponds to UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL, which seems logical.

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

So, i would suggest something along the lines of:

                if ($upload && $upload['error'] != 0) {
                    // $this->fileContainer is empty at this point
                    // $upload['tmp_name'] is also empty
                    // So we create a File instance from $upload['name']
                    $file = new File($upload['name']);
                    $file->error = $this->getMessage($upload['error']);
                    $file->errorCode = $upload['error'];
                    $this->files[] = $file;
adelowo commented 7 years ago

LGTM... can you make a PR ?

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

However, I wonder what the setMimeType() method of the File class will do with an unknown file... I will perform some test on my server and get back to you.

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

Well, as I supposed, it doesn't like it: Severity: Warning --> finfo_file(filename.ext): failed to open stream: No such file or directory We are trading an error with another...

adelowo commented 7 years ago

Oops... I would need time to go over this properly

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

Actually, the PHPDoc for the SplFileInfo constructor says (

Creates a new SplFileInfo object for the file_name specified. The file does not need to exist, or be readable.

Hence, we could also modify your File class to accomodate a non-existing file. For instance, simply checking for file existence before checking the mime-type:

    protected function setMimeType($fileName)
        if (file_exists($fileName)) {
            $this->mimeType = finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $fileName);
adelowo commented 7 years ago

Oh, nice catch..

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

Another error ambushed... Severity: Notice --> Undefined property: FileUpload\File::$size /gargron/fileupload/src/FileUpload/FileUpload.php 586

Related to this:

    protected function getNewHeaders(array $files, $content_range)
        $headers = array(
            'pragma' => 'no-cache',
            'cache-control' => 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate',
            'content-disposition' => 'inline; filename="files.json"',
            'x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff'

        if ($content_range && is_object($files[0]) && $files[0]->size) {       // <-- here
            $headers['range'] = '0-' . ($this->fixIntegerOverflow($files[0]->size) - 1);

        return $headers;

I have corrected using a check for this property :

    protected function getNewHeaders(array $files, $content_range)
        $headers = array(
            'pragma' => 'no-cache',
            'cache-control' => 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate',
            'content-disposition' => 'inline; filename="files.json"',
            'x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff'

        if ($content_range && is_object($files[0]) && isset($files[0]->size) && $files[0]->size) {
            $headers['range'] = '0-' . ($this->fixIntegerOverflow($files[0]->size) - 1);

        return $headers;

All error seems to have gone now...

If it's ok for you, I will try to make a PR tomorrow.

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

PR is live :)