Gargron / fileupload

PHP FileUpload library that supports chunked uploads
MIT License
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PHP FileUpload library that supports chunked uploads. Adopted from the procedural script included with jQuery-File-Upload, designed to work with that JavaScript plugin, with normal forms, and to be embeddable into any application/architecture.


This package is available via Composer:

  "require": {
    "gargron/fileupload": "~1.4.0"


file_uploads = On


The unit test suite covers simple uploads and the library "works on my machine", as it were. You are welcome to contribute.

You can grep the source code for TODO to find things you could help finishing.


// Simple validation (max file size 2MB and only two allowed mime types)
$validator = new FileUpload\Validator\Simple('2M', ['image/png', 'image/jpg']);

// Simple path resolver, where uploads will be put
$pathresolver = new FileUpload\PathResolver\Simple('/my/uploads/dir');

// The machine's filesystem
$filesystem = new FileUpload\FileSystem\Simple();

// FileUploader itself
$fileupload = new FileUpload\FileUpload($_FILES['files'], $_SERVER);

// Adding it all together. Note that you can use multiple validators or none at all

// Doing the deed
list($files, $headers) = $fileupload->processAll();

// Outputting it, for example like this
foreach($headers as $header => $value) {
    header($header . ': ' . $value);

echo json_encode(['files' => $files]);

foreach($files as $file){
    //Remeber to check if the upload was completed
    if ($file->completed) {
        echo $file->getRealPath();

        // Call any method on an SplFileInfo instance

Alternative usage via factory

$factory = new FileUploadFactory(
    new PathResolver\Simple('/my/uploads/dir'), 
    new FileSystem\Simple(), 
        new FileUpload\Validator\MimeTypeValidator(['image/png', 'image/jpg']),
        new FileUpload\Validator\SizeValidator('3M', '1M') 
        // etc

$instance = $factory->create($_FILES['files'], $_SERVER);


There are currently 4 validators shipped with FileUpload:

Remember to register new validator(s) by $fileuploadInstance->addValidator($validator);

If you want you can use the common human readable format for filesizes like '1M', '1G', just pass the string as the first argument.

$validator = new FileUpload\Validator\Simple('10M', ['image/png', 'image/jpg']);

Here is a listing of the possible values (B => B; KB => K; MB => M; GB => G). These values are binary convention so basing on 1024.


With the FileNameGenerator you have the possibility to change the filename the uploaded files will be saved as.

$fileupload = new FileUpload\FileUpload($_FILES['files'], $_SERVER);
$filenamegenerator = new FileUpload\FileNameGenerator\Simple();

- `Simple`
$simpleGenerator = new FileUpload\FileNameGenerator\Simple();
//Saves a file by it's original name

Every call to setFileNameGenerator overrides the currently set $generator


Currently implemented events:


The reason why the path resolver, the validators and the file system are abstracted, is so you can write your own, fitting your own needs (and also, for unit testing). The library is shipped with a bunch of "simple" implementations which fit the basic needs. You could write a file system implementation that works with Amazon S3, for example.


Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE file.