Gargron / fileupload

PHP FileUpload library that supports chunked uploads
MIT License
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How to put file name and other fields in the JSON to work with jQuery File Upload Basic Plus UI example? #64

Closed ivansammartino closed 6 years ago

ivansammartino commented 6 years ago

Hello, Sorry for the dumb question I'd like to use this package with Basic Plus UI version of jQuery File Upload. I noticed that json_encode(['files' => $files]) does not return all the values I need, i.e the file name, url or thumbnailUrl (these are referenced in the JavaScript template part of Basic Plus UI example). Instead, I get something like this: {"files":[{"error":0,"errorCode":0,"completed":true,"size":775702}]}, missing some important informations

How can I put all the other info I need in the JSON? Thank you in advance!