GastonGarciaGonzalez / DC-VAE

The following scripts are available in order to be able to reproduce the experiments carried out in...
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One Model to Find them All – Deep Learning for Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection in Mobile Network Data

In the following repository we intend to make available the python code used in the experimental part of our work. We welcome any comments or suggestions that help improve the repository.


The automatic detection of anomalies in communication networks plays a central role in network management. Despite the many attempts and approaches for anomaly detection explored in the past, the detection of rare events in multidimensional network data streams still represents a complex to tackle problem. Network monitoring data generally consists of hundreds of counters periodically collected in the form of time-series, resulting in a complex-to-analyze multivariate timeseries (MTS) process. Traditional time-series anomaly detection methods target univariate time-series analysis, which makes the multivariate analysis cumbersome and prohibitively complex when dealing with MTS data. In this paper we introduce DC-VAE, a novel approach to anomaly detection in MTS data, leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and variational auto encoders (VAEs). DC-VAE detects anomalies in MTS data through a single model, exploiting temporal information without sacrificing computational and memory resources. In particular, instead of using recursive neural networks, large causal filters, or many layers, DC-VAE relies on Dilated Convolutions (DC) to capture long and short term phenomena in the data, avoiding complex and less-efficient deep architectures, thus simplifying learning. We evaluate DC-VAE on the detection of anomalies in the TELCO dataset, a large-scale, multi-dimensional network monitoring dataset collected at an operational mobile Internet Service Provider (ISP), where anomalous events were manually labeled by experts during a time span of seven-months, at a fiveminutes granularity. Using this dataset, we benchmark DC-VAE against a broad set of traditional time-series anomaly detectors coming from the signal processing and machine learning domains. We also evaluate DC-VAE in open, publicly available datasets, comparing its performance against other multivariate anomaly detectors based on deep learning generative models. Results show the main properties and advantages introduced by VAEs for MTS anomaly detection, as well as the out-performance of dilated convolutions as compared to standard VAEs and traditional univariate approaches for time-series modeling. For the sake of reproducibility and as an additional contribution, we make the TELCO dataset publicly available to the community, and openly release the code implementing DC-VAE.


Run the code

We recommend using Anaconda.

Open Anaconda Prompt to execute the following lines


To create an environment with the requirements for the detector to work, execute the following line.

conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt

The library to run the custom metrics specified in the paper can only be installed with pip. If you want to evaluate your results with these metrics, install the prts library.

pip install prts 

After you create the environment, activate it.

conda activate <env>


The data format must be a table where the first column corresponds to the timestamp. They must be saved in a .csv file. You could try with our own dataset TELCO if you want.


All the values and hyperparameters necessary to create a DC-VAE model must be specified in a .txt file. An example of this can be seen in the settings folder.


To train a model you must execute the script and indicate the data train and settings files.

python data_train.csv settings\model_settings.txt

Alpha definition

If the training set contains labels, the alpha values can be adjusted in order to maximize the value of F1 in detections. Execute the script and indicate the train data and labels files and the settings file.

python data_train.csv labels_train.csv settings\model_settings.txt


To test the trained model execute the script and indicate the test data and settings files.

python data_test.csv settings\model_settings.txt



This work has been partially supported by the ANII-FMV project with reference FMV-1-2019-1-155850 Anomaly Detection with Continual and Streaming Machine Learning on Big Data Telecommunications Networks, by Telefonica, and by the Austrian FFG ICT-of-the-Future project DynAISEC – Adaptive AI/ML for Dynamic Cybersecurity Systems. Gaston García González a was supported by the ANII scholarship POS-FMV-2020-1-1009239, and by CSIC, under program Movilidad e Intercambios Academicos 2022.