GatorEducator / gatorgradle

:electric_plug: Gradle Plugin to Enable Running GatorGrader as a Gradle Task
GNU General Public License v2.0
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gatorgrader gradle gradle-plugin java plugin

GatorGradle: GatorGrader Gradle Integration

GatorGradle integrates GatorGrader into a Gradle project.

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Running Checks

Grading checks can be performed as specified in a configuration file. To run the GatorGrader checks, use the grade task, like so:

gradle grade

To run the GatorGrader checks and collect grade report to a configured endpoint, first store the endpoint and API key in environment variables with GATOR_ENDPOINT and GATOR_API_KEY, then use the report task, like so:

gradle --continue grade report

Installing Dependencies

GatorGradle requires that Git, a version of Python greater than 3.6, and Pipenv are installed -- it will automatically bootstrap a valid GatorGrader installation from there. Additionally, Gradle 5.0+ is required to actually use GatorGradle (GatorGradle is compatible with 4.0+ as well, but Gradle 7.3+ is recommended). A complete example configuration of Gradle and GatorGradle is available in the Java Sample Assignment repository.

NOTE: GatorGradle will ONLY automatically install GatorGrader.

Configuring Checks

The grade task reads the configuration provided in config/gatorgrader.yml (to possibly be renamed to config/gatorgradle.yml at some point in the future) by default, and then performs the specified commands. Execution of checks is parallelized, so execution order is not guaranteed. Generally, commands which run faster are finished earlier, however. An example of a configuration file is given below.

# comments are possible by using `#`
# Specify the name of this assignment, displayed in the output
name: gatorgrader-samplelab
# Should we break the build if any checks fail?
break: true
# Should we break the build as soon as a single check fails?
fastfail: false
# Specify an indentation level in spaces to be used in this file
indent: 4
# Command to get user info/id
# default is 'git config --global'
# Specify a reference to checkout to in GatorGrader (must be before v1.1.0)
version: v1.0.0
# Specify 'executables' that can be run as checks
executables: cat, markdownlint-cli2
# Specify a script or executable to run on startup
startup: ./config/
# Specify the path to the reflection file
reflection: writing/
# Form paths with these tree-like structures: they will
# be used to determine where and to what file a given check is tested against
            # Specify checks by simply writing arguments to GatorGrader
            CountSingleLineComments --count 1 --language Java
            CountMultipleLineComments --count 3 --language Java
            MatchFileFragment --fragment "println(" --count 2
            --description "Create exactly two new objects" MatchFileRegex --regex "new\s+\S+?\(.*?\)" --count 2 --exact
            --description "Create" ConfirmFileExists
            --description "Add a single-line comment" CountSingleLineComments --count 1 --language Java
            --description "Add a multi-line comment" CountMultipleLineComments --count 1 --language Java
            --description "Add an int member variable" MatchFileFragment --fragment "int " --count 1

    # A pure check is simply a call-out to the OS to run
    # whatever program you desire; the working directory
    # is set by the context (in this case, 'writing/')
    (pure) ../config/ param2
        # for checks that are 'executables' the context
        # is given after the executable: this check results
        # in executing 'markdownlint-cli2 writing/'
        --description "Write two paragraphs in writing/" CountFileParagraphs --count 2
        --description "Write at least 6 words in each paragraph in writing/" CountParagraphWords --count 30

# Any checks outside of the tree structure will not have
# a file or directory based context; if a directory is needed
# it will be the base project directory
CountCommits --count 18

Output Summary

The grade task outputs a summary of all commands run once it has finished. It uses a similar structure to GatorGrader's own output, providing descriptions and diagnostics for grading criterion. An example output from running gradle grade on the Sample Lab is shown below. Color is also added for easier visibility on a terminal screen, with red s for failed criterion and green s for passing ones. Diagnostics get a bold yellow along with colored text for added visibility. Finally, the large status box at the end of the output is colored according to the overall success (100%)/failure of the grading.


✔  Create
✘  Write two paragraphs in writing/
✘  The in src/main/java/samplelab has at least 3 multiple-line Java comment(s)
✔  [../config/ param2] executes
✔  The file writing/ passes cat
✔  Add a single-line comment
✔  The in src/main/java/samplelab has at least 1 single-line Java comment(s)
✔  Add an int member variable
✘  Write at least 6 words in each paragraph in writing/
✔  Add a multi-line comment
✔  The in src/main/java/samplelab has at least 2 of the 'println(' fragment
✔  The file writing/ passes markdownlint-cli2
✔  The repository has at least 18 commit(s)
✔  The file exists in the src/main/java/samplelab directory
✘  Create exactly two new objects

-~-  FAILURES  -~-

✘  Write two paragraphs in writing/
   ➔  Found 1 paragraph(s) in the file
✘  The in src/main/java/samplelab has at least 3 multiple-line Java comment(s)
   ➔  Found 2 comment(s) in the or the output
✘  Write at least 6 words in each paragraph in writing/
   ➔  Found 4 word(s) in the first paragraph of file
✘  Create exactly two new objects
   ➔  Found 1 match(es) of the regular expression in output or

        ┃ Passed 11/15 (73%) of checks for gatorgrader-samplelab! ┃

Including GatorGradle in your project

Including GatorGradle in your project is simple. If no extra configuration is required, simply insert the following code block at the beginning of your build.gradle to use version 1.0.0. Find out what version is current by visiting the Gradle Plugin Portal. Other configuration and installation information is also available there, including a different script that will always use the most recent version!

plugins {
  id "org.gatored.gatorgradle" version "1.0.0"


If you'd like to contribute, the javadoc for all existing code is available:



To run the plugin on a local gradle project, first run gradle install inside your cloned GatorGradle repository. Then, add the groovy code below to your local gradle project, replacing the plugin block.

  repositories {
    dependencies {
      classpath 'org.gatored:gatorgradle:+'

apply plugin: 'org.gatored.gatorgradle'


First, log into the Gradle Plugin Portal with gradle login; this will add your publishing key and secret in the following format to ~/.gradle/

#Updated secret and key with server message: Generated key 'walle' for 'michionlion'
#Tue, 20 Aug 2019 20:40:22 -0400


You'll need to request the key and secret from the maintainer if you are not publishing to your own account. Next, ensure that the project is entirely built and tested with gradle clean build check, and then execute gradle publishPlugins to publish the plugin to the Gradle Plugin Portal. Finally, publish the Javadocs by running gradle publishJavadocs. Throughout this entire process, ensure you have no unstaged changes and the remote repository is completely identical to the one your are publishing from your local machine.