Geeketics / LocusZooms

Make LocusZoom-like plots with your own LD matrix.
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LocusZoom-like Plots for GWAS Results

Authors: Tanya J Major and Riku Takei

Make LocusZoom-like plots with your own LD matrix.

This package allows the user to create regional Manhattan plots from p-values, log(p-values), or log(Bayes Factors) with points coloured according to LD and genes annotated beneath. The LD input can be generated from the users own data (e.g. for a non-reference population). The package comes with a number of reference files for gene annotation, but is not limited to the use of these files.

This package was created for use with human SNP data, but can be used to plot non-human data.

This script creates an R function to create LocusZoom-like plots. Three example input files are included for test purposes, along with an example .jpg output.

This script has one package dependency: scales

Example locus.zoom run:

# load necessary files into R
Example.assoc.linear <- read.delim("Example.assoc.linear", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
Example.ld <- read.table("Example.ld", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
Unique.genes <- read.delim("Gencode_GRCh37_Genes_UniqueList2021.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)

# load the locuszoom function into R

# create a LocusZoom-like plot
locus.zoom(data = Example.assoc.linear,                                    # a data.frame (or a list of data.frames) with the columns CHR, BP, SNP, and P
           region = c(16, 53340000, 54550000),                             # the chromosome region to be included in the plot
           offset_bp = 0,                                                  # how many basepairs around the SNP / gene / region of interest to plot
           ld.file = Example.ld,                                           # a file with LD values relevant to the SNP specified above
  = Unique.genes,                              # a file of all the genes in the region / genome
           plot.title = "Association of FTO with BMI in Europeans",        # the plot title
  = "Example.jpg",                                      # the name of the file to save the plot to
           secondary.snp = c("rs1121980", "rs8060235"),                    # a list of SNPs to label on the plot
           secondary.label = TRUE)                                         # TRUE/FALSE whether to add rsIDs of secondary SNPs to plot

Compulsory flags:

One of snp, gene, or region must be specified to create the plot:

As well as each of the following:

Optional flags:

Secondary Example:

This is not reproducible from the example data.

locus.zoom(data = EUR_meta_full1_clean_rsid.nfiltered_chr7,
           gene = "MLXIPL",
           offset_bp = 500000,
  = Gencode_GRCh37_Genes_UniqueList2021,
           plot.title = "Association of MLXIPL with gout in Europeans",
  = "alternateExample.jpg",
           genes.pvalue = MAGMA_EUR_meta_full_Gencode2021,
           colour.genes = TRUE,
           psuedogenes = FALSE,
           RNAs = TRUE)