This is just my personal guide for keeping track of my configurations and facilitate setting up a new machine.
The TOC in this document is built with the Auto Markdown TOC VS Code extension.
Before installing the dotfiles it may be a good idea to install some of the things below.
Usually don't need to be install straight away.
To install:
<(curl -L
nix-build -A installer
Assuming you checkout this repo in your $HOME
directory, you can run the following to symlink all the dotfiles:
cd dotfiles
⚠️ The above will prompt you about replacing existing dotfiles in case there's something you'd rather keep. The .git
directory (and any other directory) is ignored.
Brew packages, casks and vscode plugins live in Brewfile
You can install them with
brew bundle --global
You can install optional completions by running:
mkdir -p -m 0700 ~/.gnupg
echo "pinentry-program $(which pinentry-mac)" | tee ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
pkill -TERM gpg-agent
and restart the terminal session.
Next time you're asked for the passphrase, it will be stored in the keychain.
Make sure you import a valid GPG key, see also GPG, Github and Keybase guide.
Ensure the key and author details are actually used, by setting up .gitconfig_personal
(not shared here)
name = "..."
email = "..."
signingkey = "..."
Fira Code
is a good monospace font for coding that supports ligatures. It can be installed using brew
(see above).
Further config might be required depending on the editor, see here for VSCode.
1 Requires license/subscription (but might also have a free plan)