Geeksltd / Olive.Microservice.Explorer

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Olive Microservice Explorer

A typical solution may have tens of microservice projects. During development, you usually will have a root folder for the entire solution, with a sub-folder per microservice project inside it.

Unlike traditional model where a large solution can still be a single Visual Studio solution (with multiple projects inside it), in Microservices, each microservice project will be an independant Visual Studio solution, with a separate GIT repository, access permissions, etc. This can make it hard to see the big picture in one view.

This utility will solve that problem, by providing a high level management tool. You can think of it as a complementory tool to Visual Studio.

How does it work?

When first running it, you should point it to the root folder of the solution. It will then go through all sub-folders to determine if it's an Olive microservice. If it is, then it will generate a row on the UI.



Automatic Nuget update

In the main menu, you have the Nuget item with two options:

New Microservice creation

Under File menu you have the New Microservice item. It will open a dialog asking you to input a couple of fields:

When you click Create it will generate a full Visual Studio solution in the root folder of your project, ready for your development!