GeekyDeaks / discord-destinybot

Discord Destiny Bot
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link


Discord Destiny Bot

This started out as a simple bot to pull destiny stats from bungie, however it has grown organically and now has a few other features related to gaming in general


  1. Install node.js

  2. Install mongoDB

  3. Clone this repo

    $ git clone
  4. Download the required node modules from NPM

    $ cd discord-destinyboy
    $ npm install
  5. Create the config.js

    $ cp config_template.js config.js
  6. Get your bungie APIKEY from and save it under config.modules.destiny.apikey

  7. Add the app to your discord account

  8. Create a user for the app and copy the token to config.discord.token

  9. Using the Client ID found in App Details, create an invite link in the following format
  10. Start the bot

    node destinybot.js


This bot relies upon discord.js, which appears to throw uncaught exceptions from certain network errors. When this occurs, the bot will simply crash. The cause of this is still under investigation, but to workaround the problem in the interim, we recommend using something like pm2 to keep the bot alive

    sudo npm install pm2 -g
    pm2 start destinybot.js

Destiny Manifest

The bot can lookup the current activity of a guardian if the destiny manifest is correctly downloaded. This is still work in progress, but after the bot is configured, you can run the following command to initialise the manifest from bungie:

    node manifest_update.js en

Unfortunately this is a bit of a hack at present until the auto refresh is completed. It also relies upon mongoDB, so you will need to make sure that is also installed and configured correctly.


In config_template.js you will see section called modules. Each module provides some element of functionality and can also provide it's own commands. You can disable a module by removing it from the config, but at present removing some key modules may cause the bot to behave unpredicatably.


This is the module for pulling stats from

It currently implements the following two commands:

    stats [xbl|psn] <@discord|PSN|XBL>
    summary [xbl|psn] <@discord|PSN|XBL>


This module provides a database of gamers, with the following detail:

Other modules can use this modules to map @discord ID's to either PSN or XBL accounts. It also allows lookup of other players of a particular game.


    players DY

will provide a list of all the players who have expressed an interest in DY (destiny), showing details of their current local time

The current commands are:

    players <game>
    gamer <@discord>

Not very consistent naming - sorry!

At present the commands to edit these entries are still under development.