GemTalk / JadeiteForPharo

IDE for GemStone Smalltalk application development in Pharo using Rowan code management
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Don't open Pharo debugger on disconnect error #110

Open ericwinger opened 1 month ago

ericwinger commented 1 month ago

If Disconnect gets an error during logout, Pharo will try to open a debugger which may hang the image.

Dale and I investigated a situation where his stone was terminated before JfP was Disconnected. When he pressed Disconnect, the Pharo image hung. We believe Pharo tried to open a debugger on the logout error but hung the image because it tried to access artifacts of the invalid session - possibly something in RSR or the GsSession.

To break into the hung image, Ctrl-. was needed. The attached log has numerous stacks that were dumped providing more detail.

By pressing Disconnect, the user is signalling their intention to close the session, so it is best to not try to open a debugger which may hang but rather display a dialog with the error message and close all the open JfP windows.

PharoDebug.log image